FABAtv is an online resource for learning face and body art wher you can take online classes by international artists without ever leaving your sofa. By now you’ve probably heard that the next FREE live class from FABAtv is going to be featuring Miss Sparkles Smith and her balloon buddies. You can catch this free class on March 14th, 2013 starting at 8:00pm EST over on FABAtv LIVE!
Following our format with our Spotlight Artist of the month, this month’s interview is with none other than Miss Sparkles Smith!
Let’s get started.
Q: Tell us a little about yourself. Where are you from?
C: My name is Corinne Smith and I live in Michigan. I grew up in the small resort town of Houghton Lake. Currently, I live in the small town of Dryden with my husband and our two sons. Dryden is about an hour north of Detroit. I grew up in an artistic home. Both my parents are very creative. I remember my Mother taking painting classes. She would paint on both canvas and china. My father enjoys sculpting, and even today, at the age of 86, his favorite medium is snow! As I look back, it amazes me at where life’s path has taken me. I am a painter like my Mother, but my canvas is the face/body! I am a sculptor like my Father, but my medium is latex balloons! 😀 Pretty cool, if you ask me!

Q: Are you an artist full time or do you have another job?
C: Besides the full-time job of being a Wife and Mother, I am also the owner of Fun With Sparkles, LLC. This is a Family Entertainment business that I began in 2006.
Q: What type of face and body art do you specialize in?
C: I have interest in many different types of Art and Entertainment! Currently, I offer Face Painting & Pre-natal Paintings. I am also a balloon artist, I apply glitter tattoos, and I enjoy performing Silly Magic and Balloon Shows. I would love to learn the art of Bubbles next! 😀

Q: How did you get your start in face and body art?
C: Back in 2004, I took my young son to a near-by event where there was a fantastic Face Painter there. (Who I later learned was June VanPoppelen.) My 3 yr old and I stood in line to get his face painted. I had NEVER seen Face Painting like this before! A new world of art was being opened to me! When I returned home, I immediately got onto the computer and started searching for professional face paints and how to’s. In that year, there wasn’t YouTube Tutorials, Facebook, etc…so proper instruction was not as wide spread as it is today. After I received my face paints, I began having fun with family and friends. Later, I was asked to paint at my sister-in-laws’ church function. Everyone really enjoyed the paintings, and I absolutely LOVED the joy on their faces when I showed them the mirror! I was hooked!!!
Clowning began after I needed to come up with a costume for Halloween that was kid friendly! I have always enjoyed dressing up for Halloween. A nice, green witch was always my favorite choice, but since I had young sons, I wanted to become something more friendly. So, becoming a Clown was what came to mind! I remember my Dad dressing up in Clown to walk in Parades and just to bring joy to people. But…I didn’t want to be an ordinary clown who wears a jumpsuit and big shoes. I wanted to be a CUTE clown! So, I searched online and found an outfit that a lady had sewn and was selling on EBay. It was adorable! The price was a bit high, and so my husband said; “We are not spending that much money on a Halloween costume.” But, I was trying to tell him that I feel like it will be more than that….I couldn’t explain it, but I had this crazy urge to become a CLOWN!?? So, I went ahead and ordered it to my size, found some excellent Pink Sparkly Platform shoes, a terrifically pink nose and a wig that I found at www.SillyFarm.com! My Dad’s Clown name was Sparkie, so that was my inspiration for my Clown name. Sparkles was born! 😀
Balloons were next on my agenda! I went to the local library and checked out some books. Learning to twist for the first time from a book was a little tricky and I was wishing that I could learn from a real human being! So, again, I turned to GOOGLE and I found out that Michigan had a TWISTERS GROUP! I couldn’t believe it! So, I went to one of their Jam sessions and the friendly people there, helped get me plugged in to where I could take classes and such!
Q: What’s the most enjoyable part of what you do?
C: The absolute, most enjoyable part of what I do is bringing joy to others, making them feel special, and creating Fun Memories for them! Another enjoyable part is being able to share it with my family! I have clowned with not only my Dad, but my son became interested in clowning and balloon twisting at the age of 9! We kept his Clown name in the family and named him SPARKS! Sparkles and Sparks the Clowns have entertained together at a New Year’s Eve event at a large Hotel in Sterling Heights, MI for the past 3 years in a row! My stepson has dressed as the Easter Bunny at events, my husband has played Santa, and one of my sisters has even helped with Glitter Tattoos! Fun Times!

Q: Do you attend any conventions?
C: I have always wanted to go to a large convention like FABAIC, but with having a young family, and living very far away from the locations of these conventions, it just never worked out. However, I have attended other local conventions that have been hosted in Michigan or Ohio. The first one was in Ohio, and my Dad offered to travel with me! It was a fun time together! Perhaps one day I will make it to FABAIC!
Q: What would you like to do more of, art or otherwise?
C: The more families that I can bring joy and happiness to – is what I’d like to do more of.
Q: Outside of art, what do you do for fun?
C: I enjoy spending time with my family, photography, singing, scrapbooking, and relaxing at home.
Q: Do you have any pet peeves?
C: One of my biggest pet peeves is when I cannot find something that I am looking for. It is especially annoying when I am trying to collect my things to take to a job! Lol
Q: Where do you see yourself in a couple years?
C: I see myself and Fun With Sparkles, LLC only growing in the next couple years! Currently, I have nine, eager people whom I am training to do what I do – in order to meet the demand. I already have been asked to teach classes on FABAtv and the Midwest Clown Convention this fall. Who knows what the future holds for me, but I am excited to see! 😀
Q: Do you have any projects going on or in the works?
C: Since 2011 – 2012, Fun With Sparkles, LLC business has doubled, so I am currently training up other artists to be able to expand our services. Last year, I had to turn away many customers because I was booked and could not fit them in. Now, I am becoming prepared to send out other artists that I have trained! I have a great bunch of people working with me, from age 11 and up! It is a blessing to see the excitement of the kids, teens, and adults embrace the art of bringing joy to others! I am also looking into producing some PDF file type instructions to share with the Balloon Community. I have subbed for other artists at Restaurants for the past 4 years. I would really like to gain my own Restaurant that I could entertain at on a regular basis. This is a goal of mine in 2013.
Q: What do you think of FABAtv?
C: I think FABAtv is the best ever! Especially, since I have not been able to attend a Large Convention! I can watch the classes whenever I want and as many times as I want. Even attending the conventions I have been to, my memory starts to fail me, and my notes become unclear as time passes. With FABAtv, the class is always there to watch over and over! It has really helped me become a better artist, plus the LIVE classes are a fun way to join together with other artists around the world while you learn!
You can contact Miss Sparkles online via her Facebook/funwithsparkles or on Twitter/funwithsparkles as well.
You may alternatively email her at Sparkles@FunWithSparkles.com.