FABAtv is your online destination for face and body art classes. Whether you are new to face painting, a professional body painter, or even a magician, FABAtv has classes you want to watch. Take a class from the comfort of your own living room with fantastic instructors like Mark Reid, Lynne Jamieson, or how about Nix Herrera who was on Season 2 of Syfy’s hit reality show, FaceOff.
FABAtv brings all the best instructors under one roof and gives you the key to access hundreds of classes and workshops from them! Subscribe today!
Not quite ready for a subscription? Not to worry! FABAtv has been satisfying the urge to learn of face and body painters everywhere for over a year now with free & live classes every month! July’s live class is being hosted by face & body painter, Tina Carroll!
Tina Carroll has been body painting for over 13 years and runs Transformations by Tina, offering her services in face painting, body painting, glitter tattoos, and henna to the Northern Virginia, Maryland, and Washington D.C. areas.
Tina’s work has been featured on several face and body art magazines, as well as being featured on the Fox 9 news in Minneapolis. She currently is working with face paint brand Snazaroo to release a face painting book sometime in the future.
Tune in to FABAtv LIVE on July 15th at 8PM EST for this free class on face and body art! Don’t miss it!
Whether or not business owners should list their prices publicly seems to be a source of lively debate. Caitlin from Cait’s Paints took a look at both sides of the argument, and broke it down in her latest article. Worried that clients will be put off by the numbers? Is responding to client emails about rates laborious, repetitive, and frustrating? Different methods will work better for different business models. Don’t worry, there’s a solution for everyone.
Head over to Artist Alley for the pros and cons of listing prices, and add your two cents to the debate!
Face and Body Art Television (FABAtv) is a subscription based, educational website for face and body artists. FABAtv has classes on face painting, body art, airbrushing, henna, and more! Once a month FABAtv hosts a free and live class from one of our many instructors. Take your body art to the next level with FABAtv and subscribe today!
Our featured FABAtv LIVE class for the month of May is Australian painter, Annie Reynolds!
Her company, ACA Larrikans Entertainment, has been providing quality entertainment and body art around Sydney, Australia for over 13 years.
Since she started to paint, Annie decided she wanted her paintings to be as good as her mentors Lynne Jamieson and Jinny MUA.
After watching her paint amazing masterpieces, it was evident that Annie had already accomplished her goal. Her unique style of painting combined with her bubbly and enthusiastic personality has made her a perfect candidate to teach in the Face and Body Art International Convention. Annie’s other talents includes acting, singing and being a hairdresser.
Tune in May 15th starting at 8:00pm EST for this FREE & LIVE class on body painting with Annie Reynolds!
The 12th annual Face and Body Art International Convention (FABAIC) is upon us. May 22-26th the FABAIC will play host to 400+ of the worlds face and body art enthusiasts in Ft Lauderdale, Florida. The FABAIC has been described as a creative sleep away camp for painters. The FABAIC is a unique event that features hands on workshops, nightly painting parties called “jams”, the world’s largest face and body art supplies marketplace, the world renowned Body painting competition, and a weekend full of networking, creative moments, and extreme fun! The FABAIC is different than other make up shows because we focus on education. Our goal has always been to help you learn more so you can charge more and earn more. We design the schedule to be friendly and inviting to all levels including classes covering business, legal, marketing, balloons, face painting and more!
The reason the FABAIC has achieved longevity and success is largely in part due to the fact that the producers are active face and body painters themselves. We brainstorm after each convention on how to improve classes, what are the popular themes and trends in the industry, and how we can plan the best possible convention for our fellow artists. We acknowledge that artists usually have to save up for the year to attend the FABAIC, which is why we go the extra mile to produce an event that exceeds their expectations. Upon arrival, attendees are greeted with bright colors, a welcome staff, and a convention goody bag filled with a t-shirt, schedule, and free goodies courtesy of the FABAIC and sponsors. Our talented instructor staff is usually in the lobby meeting and greeting attendees or painting their faces to kick off the weekend. Then we open the doors with a HUGE party and get everyone warmed up to express their colorful side. Whether you attend alone or bring a friend, you are guaranteed to leave feeling like you have found your long lost artistic family. So again, why should you make the time, effort, and investment to attend?
Here are our top 10 reasons why YOU can’t afford to miss the 2013 FABAIC!
10. Networking!
Where else can you make International connections with the world’s top artists?
9. Smorgasbord of Classes and Workshops!
ONLY at the FABAIC will you have the opportunity to take classes of this magnitude. We offer classes covering all areas of face and body art taught by the world’s top instructors.
8. Over $1,000 in cash and prizes!
The FABAIC hosts the infamous Body painting competition where you can push your creativity to the edge and win $1,000 cash prize.
7. Largest Body Art Marketplace!
Shop the world’s largest marketplace dedicated to face and body art supplies! Check out the newest products, shop and save!
6. Learning in Paradise!
The FABAIC is hosted at the lush tropical grounds of the Bonaventure Hotel and Resort in Weston, Fl. Escape the cold rainy weather and visit beautiful sunny South Florida. Take a vacation with your paint brushes.
5. Elevate your business!
Learn new skills to apply to your business right away, leave feeling rejuvenated and ready to take your business to the next level!
4. Hands on learning.
The FABAIC knows the best way to learn is by getting your hands dirty and painting the world. The FABAIC features the most hands on workshops anywhere in the world. Learn to body paint, get your hands bloody in our specials effects class, or discover the world of rainbow cakes. the possibilities are endless and the learning is unprecedented.
3. Jam, Jam, Jam!
What’s a Jam? Think of a jam as the world’s largest painting party. After a full day of learning break out your brushes, and get busy! But don’t forget to stop and take a look at your surroundings. What you will witness is magic. Imagine 400 painters jamming, painting, creating and enjoying the influence of art.
2. Once a year opportunity!
Many of our artists and instructors come from abroad to teach at the FABAIC. This is a once a year and maybe once in a lifetime opportunity to learn from the best of the best in one weekend for one low price. If you were to take classes from our instructors individually you would spend over $10,000 you save thousands and have more fun while taking classes!
1. FABAIC is the bridge that connects business success, business growth, everlasting friendships, creative motivation, and personal inspiration. Only at the FABAIC can you experience all of these things at once!
We encourage you to join us, make the investment in yourself and your business if you haven’t already! If there is anything I can do to make the FABAIC more enjoyable for you or if you have questions please don’t hesitate to ask.
Alex Hansen is an accomplished artist for body painting, airbrush and special effects. He has competed numerous times winning multiple awards all over, and has done special effects work in movies, such as 300 and Death Race. We’re excited to announce that FABAtv is bringing him to South Florida for a FREE LIVE class! That’s right. FREE.
Each month FABAtv hosts an entirely free, live class on face painting, body art, magic, balloons and more! Tune in April 15th at 8PM EST to watch Alex Hansen and his class on Bones & Muscle Structure in body art.
We were able to catch Alex away from his busy life to share some details about himself and his journey as an artist.
Q: Tell us a little about yourself, where are you from?
AH: Well, I’m originally from Brazil now living in Montreal Canada
Was raised my whole life in Canada, I have been an artist since the day I was born
Q: Are you an artist full time or do you have another job?
AH: Yes my other full time job is my Family Life!! My two daughters and my Queen, Lymari Millot
Q: What type of face and body art do you specialize in?
AH: Well Pretty much everything.. but my forte is airbrushing and special effects
Q: How did you get your start(in face and body art)?
AH: I started off in the night clubs scene in Montreal and then moved on to working my own concepts and body artwork…. and then went into teaching and competing
Q: What’s the most enjoyable part of what you do?
AH: Being Creative and also being an inspiration to other artists, teaching and learning new art forms and other stuff
Q: Do you attend any conventions, like the FABAIC?
AH: Yes I do.. I try to be as many events as possible. I might be cutting down alot on my travels pretty soon… I believe that the world needs a break from me and me from the world…
Q: What would you like to do more of, art or otherwise?
AH: Well art is my life…. being a great family man is what I love the most, besides that what else is there?
Q: Outside of art, what do you do for fun?
AH: I love going to movies, playing soccer, sculpting, and dancing with Lyrian my daughter
Q: Do you have any pet peeves?
AH: Well I have three…. Stupidity, tardiness and egos!
Q: Where do you see yourself in a couple years?
AH: well for sure a lot less traveling and starting out something I always wanted to do… Develop my own art school / studio
Q: Do you have any projects going on or in the works?
AH: I have way to many!!! Stencils and many other ideas… a book on the art of body painting which is a big dream of mine, I have had it since I started out in bodypainting
Q: What do you think of FABAtv?
AH: Well I think it is a great idea…. but I also believe you can never get the same effect with a teacher in person!!
As great as FABAtv is, Alex is right. You can’t beat a LIVE instructor! So be sure to tune in for his LIVE class Bones & Muscle Structure, and get a chance to ask him your questions LIVE!
Well, now you know a bit more about this talented artist. His services include and are available for editorials, television/film/video productions, photo shoots, trade shows, workshops, fashion shows, special occasions, promotions, events, and live performances.
Genevieve Houle, who the world has come to know as Jinny Makeup Artiste, is a world renowned face and body artist. Co-creator of the Paradise Makeup AQ™, Jinny has traveled the world, teaching & performing her art for international media, shows, commercials and more. Jinny is widely recognized for not only her ability to paint amazing pieces of art, but to objectively critique and advise artists of all talent levels. She has previously been a judge at the World Body Painting Festival in Austria and at the Face and Body Art International Convention in the USA.
Jinny is an active instructor, always willing to share her passion with others. Occasionally she puts out free tutorials through her youtube channel, but this week she will be traveling to South Florida to film a couple brand new classes for FABAtv! On Thursday, December 13th, Jinny will also be teaching an entirely FREE face and body art class through FABAtv LIVE! Tune in December 13th at 8pm EST for this hour long class on Quick & Wow Body Art!
I run Cait’s Paints, which offers an array of services by multiple artists. But me, personally? I introduce myself as a body painter. Women are my favorite canvas; adapting my work over so many curves and shapes presents a challenge with a never-ending array of possibilities. I truly find cause for celebration in the grace and strength of the human form.
However, not everyone is as gung-ho about nudity: Many models don’t feel comfortable having someone intimately painting their lady-bits, few magazines are keen on publishing nudity, and posting anything “offensive” onto sites like Facebook could get your page shut down pretty quickly. What now?
There are multiple options available for covering genitals: seamless thongs, G-strings, strapless panties, ProShields, Zombie Skin, medical tape, and probably a few more creative options I haven’t heard yet. It all comes down to your personal preference and budget.
My preferred canvas is a topless model wearing nude-colored thong underwear. I’m open to putting pasties on my models (should the model or venue require it) but finding good pasties has not been nearly as treacherous as my quest for the “Perfect Thong”:
Cotton thongs absorbed too much paint, making it time consuming and difficult to paint details. I felt that g-strings “pinched” my models hips. Victoria’s Secret seamless thongs were okay, but I wasn’t willing to shell out and extra $12 in kit expenses.
Then I found La Senza “Barely There” thongs, and something miraculous happened; The thong melted effortlessly into my designs, and painting the fabric was a breeze. My models have found them comfortable and flattering. They even offer a more conservative version, the “Brazilian“.
I had found my Dream Thong, but the price was still hefty…until I found a Dream Retailer as well! Braonsale offers La Senza’s panties for less that $5, with FREE SHIPPING! They also send me a coupon with each of my orders. Just typing this gets my heart racing! As artists, our kits easily contain hundreds or thousands of dollars in supplies; Knowing that thongs are no longer a major expense is a huge relief.
I hope you all enjoy this new find as much as I have. Stock up, but leave some for me!
– Caitlin
Master bodypainter Mark Reid will be at the FABAtv Studios on Wednesday, November 14th to film some more amazing face & body art classes, as well as a live class! Tune in at 8:00 pm EST to catch this free class, just click on the banner above!
In the past we have had the privilege of Mark teach some of the children classes at the 2009 FABAIC, where he left the parents in awe. Mark is very passionate about art and loves to teach. He is a regular at the Face and Body Art International Convention and we are proud to have him as part of the FABAIC family! So mark your calendars and tune in on November 14th for a free LIVE class with Mark Reid!
There comes a time in every entrepreneurs journey where the road splits and we have to shift gears from operating as a hobby to full throttle sales. Many of us start off small, clients here and there, passing out the occasional card, and answering calls at our leisure. Problem with that is, at the same time, we have invested in hundreds and even thousands of dollars in supplies that aren’t generating income. So the real question is, “How do I get the business I want and need?”.
*Disclaimer: The thoughts, advice and information provided in this post are solely the opinions of the author and should be followed up with due diligence prior to holding them as truth.
Determine the level of business you are looking to pursue.
If you want to do the occasional birthday or town event, or if you only want to work one weekend a month, I don’t suggest that you flood the town with business cards. If you are looking to work every weekend and possibly a restaurant or two during the week, then your strategy will differ. Some of us have BIG plans for our face painting businesses. We want to bring in the bucks, book tons of good paying gigs, and paint till our hands hurts. But it’s important to weigh the pros and cons. Typically a face painters busiest days of the week are Saturday and Sunday, which are also the days we like to spend with family, catch up on house chores, or attend our own personal events. Are you ready to commit your weekends to work? If you are, I will tell you how to get more business, but if you don’t want the responsibility of booking, invoicing, inventory, and working on the weekends, then you will want to consider working through an agent that will book you based on availability.
There are no shortcuts to being successful in business.
Investing is one of the most crucial aspects of business success and growth. When I refer to investing, I’m not just talking about in product. I am talking about investing your time in marketing (meeting people), volunteering, doing research and learning.
Marketing yourself in most cases is free.
Marketing involves putting your people skills to work. Get out there and network. Talk to your neighbors, teachers, friends, and get involved in your community events. Visit a local family restaurant and offer a family night to drum up business. That alone gives you the opportunity to network with other families in your area. Invest time in people and those people will turn into customers.
Planning can mean the difference between success and failure.
What am I talking about you say? Suppose it’s a busy weekend and you have three parties booked back to back. Rather than waiting until the day of to punch in the addresses in your GPS and drive frantically from event to event, map out your day on Thursday. Call the party mom’s or event managers to confirm locations and ask for any special instructions. Planning early will eliminate the surprise factor that can cause you to run late, mess up an address, or forget about a road closure that may take you 20 miles out of the way.
Research is another core component of being successful.
I spend no less than 20-24 hours a week researching trends, color schemes, browsing the web for ideas, new products, reading blogs, answering questions, watching you tube, teaching myself new skills and finding inspiration. If you are a newbie you will want to spend your time browsing the net looking for pricing ideas for your region, local events to market, research what services others are offering and at what prices, and how you can possibly collaborate with local agencies. Being prepared is important because when push comes to shove knowing your worth will mean the difference between ending the day in the red or the black.
Every year I face paint at the largest Hispanic festival in south Florida. Over 100,000 people attend this festival and being prepared pays off. I am hired to face paint the public at no charge. For me it’s a great event because I get paid whether I paint 10 people or 100 people. The difference is that we are allowed to accept tips. So it’s in our best interest to move the line. After several years of doing this event, I have my system down packed. I have a limited display and work from a board. I can paint almost 20 people per hour based on the board designs. I print off the flags of the various Hispanic countries, laminate the sheets and offer them as designs. This formula works to my advantage because I can move quick and my customers are happy.
Last year a local new painter decided to set up shop at the festival. Her first mistake was that she failed to do her research. One, you have to have a permit and insurance to set up a concession at a city festival. Two, she did not bring a table to set up her supplies, so she asked me to share mine. My client that hired me did not want her painting next to me because she didn’t know if she was using proper materials or had proper paperwork, so she made her move. Later that afternoon I saw the poor girl using an empty box as her table. Third, she didn’t come prepared. She did not have pictures for the people to choose from, she had to “look up” the flags on her iPhone, and she didn’t have extra water to use to change out her cup.
After the festival I walked over to her to talk to her and introduce myself. I handed her my card and told her to give me a call and that I’d help her. At first she seemed put off. Perhaps she was slightly embarrassed or didn’t know what my intentions were, but that call is the reason she is now running a successful face painting business.
If she had taken the time to visit the festival and do her research to find out if there were painters at the festival, what designs they were offering, what they were charging, if she was legally able to just show up and paint, what products they were using, etc.., she would not have faced the embarrassing challenges she brought upon herself.
Lastly, I want to stress the importance of learning. I have taken well over 300 classes on just face painting. I try to use any free time I have to watch a FABAtv lesson. Learning helps you be prepared, helps you service your customers better, and helps you gain an advantages over the other painters that only paint three designs or cheek art. For example, one of my favorite customers called and asked me if I could paint her daughters synchronized swimmers team and she was looking for water proof make up. Luckily for me I had just watched a class by Nix Herrera about airbrush make up application and that gave me the knowledge on what to offer her.
Another time when I was hired to paint at a boy scout convention. I stayed up till 3:00 AM watching classes by Mark Reid, Lynne Jamieson, Sammie Bartko, and Wiser just to brush myself up on the designs boys love. Learning is what engages us to try new things, explore beyond our comfort zone of butterflies and princesses, and can open up doors of possibilities. If you are struggling with speed, invest some time in learning techniques to help you speed up your designs without compromising quality. If you are uncertain about how to file your taxes or incorporate as a business in your state, invest time in reading and learning about it on the SBA website or business blogs. Don’t underestimate the importance of investing in yourself. You are selling yourself and your services. It makes perfect sense to be prepared with the right tools, the right knowledge, and the insight about how to do the best job possible.
Having those tools will certainly take you 10 steps in the right direction to create more sales, gather more clients and grow your business.
I write these articles to share my knowledge and help other artists grow. Please feel free to share you business advice with me and our community of painters. If you wish to write for the Faba Blog, contact us.
Figuring out how to store, transport, and organize my ever-expanding kit has been an ongoing endeavor since I first started. I tried everything from scrap booking totes to a folding crate on wheels, luggage sets and train cases. Nothing I tried seemed to offer the right combination of organization, size, ease of transport, cost, and durability.
Until I found the Stanley Fat Max Mobile Work Station. That’s right…a tool box. I wish I could take credit, but my makeup artist friend Elizabeth deserves all the fame for this incredible find. Let’s have a look at the official specs:
Features and Benefits
4 storage solutions in one includes toolbox, part bins, portable tray and oversized lower bin for larger items
Patented tiered cantilever multi-level rolling system allows easy access to all 4 storage areas at the same time
Durable Structural Foam construction
Telescopic handle for easy maneuvering
Easy latch system includes a quick push to close feature
Large front latch that locks the entire unit
Ball bearing slides for smooth operation even under heavy load
V-groove on top of lid holds materials such as lumber and pipes in place for cutting
Extra large, heavy duty metal latches with pad lockable eye lets
Extra heavy duty rubber-coated 7” wheels – for maximum stability
Height 29″,736.6mm
Length 17″,431.8mm
Width 22″,558.8mm
“That’s all well and good, but what does it mean for me?”
Four tiers of storage goodness with varying organizational options: The oversized lower bin fits large items (paint pallets), the part bins organize small items (business cards, pots of glitter), and the tool box fits medium sized items (baby wipes, sponges). Another bonus that isn’t mentioned in the official specs – the walls of the part bins are removable! You can easily slide these babies out and customize the size of the compartments to suit your needs.
Easy to clean interior & exterior: “Durable Structural Foam” is fancy-talk for thick black plastic. Ever spilled glitter in your kit, or break a powder pallet? The smooth, rigid compartments wipe down easily, with the baby wipes you probably already have stored in there.
Maneuverability and ease of transport: With a retractable handle and heavy-duty wheels, this thing treks easily up driveways, across fields, and down streets. It rolls around with you like a large piece of luggage, but remains stable through grass & rocks.
Heavy duty everything: Think about it, this was designed for big burly men who like tools. It was built to store heavy things, and take a beating at construction sites, get covered in sawdust & dirt, then get tossed back into a pickup truck. Everything from the wheels to the snap-front-locks is rugged, and built to last.
Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap: I was able to find professional makeup cases online, with comparable size & organizational options, retailing from $150-$900. The Stanley Fat Max was about $80, a fraction of the cost. I bought mine at Home Depot, Elizabeth bought hers at Lowes. There is also a smaller version for about $40.
The Stanley Fat Max Workstation has two major drawbacks:
It’s not pretty: It only comes in one color, and it’s not decorative or polished looking. Understandable; I don’t think Stanley’s target market cares about color-coordinating. Elizabeth spruced hers up with fancy duct tape.
It’s hefty, in every sense of the word: Large and filled to the brim with supplies, it’s not easy to lift into my car, or haul up stairs. Fortunately, there are handles on the sides if you need some leverage. I’m no Hulk, and Elizabeth is a skinny-minny, but we’ve made it work. Lift from your legs!
The month of September brings a new Spotlight Artist, Dutch Bihary! Dutch will be answering a few questions of ours and is in the middle of getting ready for his FABAtv debut with his free LIVE class next week on September 13th, starting at 8:00 pm EST.
Let’s get to the interview now; Tell us a little about yourself Dutch, where are you from? I was born and raised and still live in Washington state. From as early as junior high I liked the idea of a career being a teacher. I have always been naturally artistic but found it hard to make a career with my abilities early on. I did have a chance to refine my skills right out of high school from a year I spent illustrating comic books.
Are you an artist full time or do you have another job? I’m a full time face and body artist and I also do special effects make up for video and films. Currently I’m also the artistic director for a multi-attraction haunt.
What type of face and body art do you specialize in? I specialize in illustrative cheek and mural style body art with brush and sponge, as well as 3d transformations.
How did you get your start in face & body art? I painted my first face in October of 2005 and started our business the following year. My wife volunteered me to fill in temporarily for a face painter that quit last minute at a local pumpkin patch. I was hooked after the first day.
What’s the most enjoyable part of what you do? The most enjoyable part of what I do is free creating requests out of my head. No display, just an off the wall idea and a spark of inspiration.
Outside of art, what do you do for fun? When not working, I enjoy exercising, watching movies, comic books, and cooking. I also enjoy vacation time with my wife and kids, and riding my motorcycle I also love sailing, snowboarding, and camping.
Do you have any pet peeves? My pet peeves are “oh, I don’t care, just paint anything” followed by “oh, that’s not exactly what I expected”.
Do you attend any conventions, like the FABAIC? I regularly attend FPBA Vegas as well as living canvas. I’m looking forward to FABAIC in 2013.
Where do you see yourself in a couple years? I hope to make a long happy career teaching workshops, painting faces and bodies, along with doing make up and special effects for film.
What would you like to do more of, art or otherwise? I do enjoy and would like to have more involvement with the haunt industry in the future.
What do you think of FABAtv? FABA tv is a fantastic tool for those who need their instructions reiterated til they get it! Most people don’t understand how to implement new techniques and skill sets until they have practiced them to a point where they are comfortable integrating them into their personal bag of tricks. FABA tv is a way to do this in the comfort of your own home without the stress of performing!
Contact Ductch
You can visit his website at www.contoursfx.com, or contact him by email at online@contoursfx.com.
If you haven’t heard of Face Off and are in the Face & Body Art, Makeup, or Special Effects industries, then you don’t know what you’re missing. The season 3 premiere starts tonight, August 21st at 9/8 central on the Syfy network!
Face Off is a competition by elimination TV series that brings the spotlight to the talent behind the special effects makeup industry. Contestants must battle their way through several challenges that incorporate; full body painting, 3-D design, sculpting, prosthetic use, casting and molding, and much more, or risk being sent home by the judges.
Several known face and body artists, such as Nix Herrera, Athena Zhe, and Matt Valentine have been contestants and competed for the grand prize, an opportunity to guest lecture at the Makeup For Ever Academy in New York, a 2012 Toyota Camry Hybrid, and $100,000!
Face Off Season 3 Judges
Three-time Academy Award winner, Ve Neill(Pirates of the Caribbean, Edward Scissorhands)Glenn Hetrick (Heroes, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The X-Files)Patrick Tatopoulos (Underworld, Independence Day, Resident Evil: Extinction)
[button type=”button_solid_light nocufon” url=”http://www.syfy.com/faceoff/contestants/alana_rose_schiro” target=”on” ]View Season 3 Contestants[/button]