Thongs for Bodypainting: Review

I run Cait’s Paints, which offers an array of services by multiple artists. But me, personally? I introduce myself as a body painter. Women are my favorite canvas; adapting my work over so many curves and shapes presents a challenge with a never-ending array of possibilities. I truly find cause for celebration in the grace and strength of the human form.

However, not everyone is as gung-ho about nudity: Many models don’t feel comfortable having someone intimately painting their lady-bits, few magazines are keen on publishing nudity, and posting anything “offensive” onto sites like Facebook could get your page shut down pretty quickly. What now?

There are multiple options available for covering genitals: seamless thongs, G-strings, strapless pantiesProShields, Zombie Skin, medical tape, and probably a few more creative options I haven’t heard yet. It all comes down to your personal preference and budget.

My preferred canvas is a topless model wearing nude-colored thong underwear. I’m open to putting pasties on my models (should the model or venue require it) but finding good pasties has not been nearly as treacherous as my quest for the “Perfect Thong”:

Cotton thongs absorbed too much paint, making it time consuming and difficult to paint details. I felt that g-strings “pinched” my models hips. Victoria’s Secret seamless thongs were okay, but I wasn’t willing to shell out and extra $12 in kit expenses.

Then I found La Senza “Barely There” thongs, and something miraculous happened; The thong melted effortlessly into my designs, and painting the fabric was a breeze. My models have found them comfortable and flattering. They even offer a more conservative version, the “Brazilian“.

I had found my Dream Thong, but the price was still hefty…until I found a Dream Retailer as well! Braonsale offers La Senza’s panties for less that $5, with FREE SHIPPING! They also send me a coupon with each of my orders. Just typing this gets my heart racing! As artists, our kits easily contain hundreds or thousands of dollars in supplies; Knowing that thongs are no longer a major expense is a huge relief.

I hope you all enjoy this new find as much as I have. Stock up, but leave some for me!
– Caitlin

Faba Review: Arty Brush Cakes, Rainbow Cakes, Fairy Fly Kits

In this product review video, Silly Heather goes over the differences between Arty Brush Cakes, Rainbow Cakes, and Fairy Fly Kits. She talks about key points and benefits from the different types, and demonstrates how to properly load and use your brush with each product.

Arty Brush Cake FireRainbow Cake Pixie PieFairy Fly Kit Rose Bud Overview

Click the image thumbnails to be taken to the product page.

Watch Faba Review: ABC’s, RC’s, and FairyFly Kits on Youtube.
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