The Green Brush Part 1: Introduction

The Green Paint Brush with Heather Green

This is the first installment in The Green Brush, a Marketing and Business tips and tricks series by Heather Green. sponsored by Silly Farm Supplies.


I have spent the past six years making youtube videos on face painting to help you to become better painters, but I totally neglected that being the best painter isn’t good enough. It’s like living on McDonald’s, but then working out every day of the week. You have to combine business skills with talent in order to achieve a winning combination…. So I am dedicating one video blog a month to helping you improve your business, grow your business, and answer your questions.


What makes me qualified to be in a position to give advice? For those of you that don’t know me… My name is Heather Green and I am the owner of Silly Farm Supplies, the creator of FABAtv, the co-producer of the FABAIC, publisher of the FABA Blog, a business partner for My FAB Events, a mom, a friend, a face & body painter, and the First Lady of Greater St Mark Ame church. I have been painting for 15 years, have grown my companies into something I am very proud of. I spend much of my time researching, reading, and investing in learning how to be a successful entrepreneur. My goal is to condense my findings into useful information and business advice that you can use and make money from. I feel my face painting Youtubes and teaching style have been so well received because I take a lot of concepts from all the classes I have taken and simplify it to make it attainable for all levels of painters. I want to do that in the business sense too.


My business video blogs are meant to help anyone, not just painters, but all entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs. I know that watching my face can be boring, but hopefully the content will make it all worth it.


My goal is to publish video blogs at least once a month. If you like them I will try my hardest to post 2 a month.

So what’s on the agenda for today?

Getting Started

In order to get ourselves in the business frame of mind there are a few things you need to do to get started on the right path.

Start with time management…. There is a direct correlation between time spent/ invested and success. When I bought silly farm almost 9 years ago I told myself I wouldn’t take a paycheck until we were out of the red. I face painted on the weekends and used that money to live. I didn’t mind working 19 hours a day, and I believe that my time spent obsessing, building, growing Silly Farm is the reason we have grown from 2 employees to 27 employees. If you are only spending two hours a week improving your company, investing in yourself as an artist, or your phones aren’t ringing like you would like then it’s time to take a look at how you are spending your time. I wrote the book on No Time. I get up at 5:00 am, go to the gym, get home to get my son ready for school, go to work, go home, feed him, bathe him, and then go back to work. Now my life style isn’t for everyone, but if you don’t make the time, you can’t expect the results.

Start by dedicating one hour a day to yourself and your business. Spend an hour emailing customers, or taking a class on FABAtv, or seeking new leads. If you invest an hour each day it’s easier to increase the time you spend on your business daily without feeling overwhelmed.

Setting Goals

How many times have you said to yourself I just want to loose 10 lbs or 20lbs? How many times have you said tomorrow I am going to eat better and start laying weight? For better or worse, goals are a huge part of the human psyche. Goals are important because they help create vision and focus. Set, type, and print your goals, make them visible at all times so that you don’t loose sight of what you are working towards. When I launched fabatv I printed a paper out that said 1,000 subscribers … Ready set go! Every morning I looked at my goal and within 9 months I reached my goal. I wish I could say the same about these last 8 baby pounds, but I won’t be too critical. If you make a goal to book five new parties a month, or a goal to save 30% of all your take home, then you keep it where your mind continuously views it. Then you will train yourself to keep the pot at the end of the rainbow in mind. Don’t let your goals become out of sight and out of mind.

Invest in Yourself and Your Business

We learn from others and feedback is essential! Please like and share this post if it helped you. Leave a comment below or send me an email if you have any questions! Who knows, maybe your question will be on the next video!

The Green Brush Part 2: Marketing Mindframe

The Green Paint Brush with Heather Green
This is the second installment in The Green Brush series sponsored by Silly Farm Supplies. Marketing and Business tips and tricks by Heather Green. Heather is the CEO and Owner of Silly Farm Supplies, an international supplies shop for face and body art. Heather is also the co-producer for the Face and Body Art International Convention.

In this segment of The Green Brush I will show you how to get into the Marketing Mind frame.

I breakdown the FREE steps to marketing your business and introduce the 4 P’s which I will explain in detail in future segments.

Marketing & Sales GraphMarketing and Sales are not synonymous, they compliment each other,. You don’t have to fear marketing your business. Marketing is relationship building. Marketing is taking the time to get to know how you can best service your clients. I will guide you on how to achieve effective marketing campaigns.

I urge you to choose a soundtrack that gets you motivated; to get in a working mode and pursue new business avenues.

I also explain sources of free marketing including grass roots campaigns and getting yourself organized to be able to effectively follow up leads. I have created a “Follow Up Form” for you to download and use free of charge. My goal with this form is to help you keep better records, so that you can keep in touch with your customers and build better relationships.

[button type=”ambitious_button” url=”” target=”” ]Download Follow Up Form(Excel Format)[/button]

I am focused on helping you create and build a business you are proud of. I hope you enjoy this segment of The Green Brush and I encourage you to share your ideas, stories and business successes. Please leave me a comment with your ideas or questions and don’t forget to like and share this article with your friends!

5 Tips for Budding Entrepreneurs

By no means do I assert that I am no longer “budding” – I remain deeply entrenched in my fledgling status – but I would like to share with you some words that have stuck with me in this journey. Some pearls of wisdom fall on deaf ears, but some seem to ring loudly just when we need them. These are the ear-piercing bits, the ones that resonated with me and shaped my outlook on business.

“Work hard now, coast later.”0acf4f8b2a5234f6fbb4932589da5245
-Mr. Hikel
This was the mantra of my first boyfriend’s dad, which he gave me a solid lecture on during freshman year of High School. Climb towards your goals with all the tenacity you can muster, and you’ll be able to coast on your successes later. The longer I adhered to this, the more obvious it became that the people who work so fervently towards their aspirations don’t actually intend on ever stopping to “coast”, but the point was that success grows exponentially, and hard working people tend to get swept into wonderful opportunities.

“I could be getting in on the first floor of…Google!”
-Claire Stoddard
I’ve always had a penchant for business, starting around 14 years old. The first business I opened was for a clothing line, and I asked some close friends and family for assistance with seed money. Turns out that banks aren’t keen on giving 14 year olds loans. Claire wrote me a check for $500; I was astonished that one person was willing to fork over that much to my measly operation. The quote above was her response, and it was profound for me to consider. It made me realize that if she had so much faith in me, I should too. I assumed it was impractical to aim high, but who’s to say that you won’t end up at the top of the food chain one day?

“Automate it.”
-Dan Gargano.
Dan is a tech savvy fellow who completely redesigned the way I look at business from both an internal and external perspective.  His main focus was to automate, streamline, and simplify as many aspects of his business as possible. I didn’t realize how much energy I was expending towards menial tasks; now I operate with automated email templates, payment systems, databases, and have more time to devote to core functions. Dan also made killer sales pitches and owned the room when he walked in, which would be especially impressive if you could see how mousy and young he looked. I’ve done my best to assimilate his well-dressed confidence into my own life, and started making a point of surrounding myself with other powerful people who I could learn from by example.

“Realize that Despite Your Worst Fears, You are now a Salesperson”
-Kurt Johnson
This quote was part of a longer, and very insightful article that I highly recommend. I briefly worked retail sales, and it was certainly not my forte. I refused to harass passer-bys, felt awkward during my sales pitch, and not even a commission bonus could convince me to do cold calls. But when you run 97e31e6c8ed196012fb09ba7307d896eyour own business, you’re head of the sales department. And marketing department. And secretary. Embrace it! Find ways to promote yourself that are within your comfort zone, but also make a point of stepping outside the box from time to time. You have to become wonderful at all aspects of business, and you don’t really have much of a choice!

 “A good entrepreneur is a heat seeking missile”
– Josh Kopelman
I read this on a website while researching investors, and it was like that missile hit my brain. BOOM. My days of running a business tentatively were over. With renewed determination, I decided all of my goals were within reach, and that my business was going to succeed because I would give everything to make it happen. On hard days, days when I’m tired or feeling burnt out, I remember this quote and it pulls me through.
“If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.”
-Kim Demulder
I’ve worked with Kim frequently over the last four years. He’s an incredibly talented artist with a big smile and a bounce in his step. He’s worked for DC Comics and is currently teaching at the Joe Kubert School of Graphic Arts and Cartooning in Dover, NJ. He’s spouted off this saying to students for at least the few years, and it seems to have done well by him. Remember that whatever your current business venture is, that you’re in it because you love it. That’s ultimately the end game here – to do so much of what we love that people start to pay us for it. The money is great, but the art is better.

Keep on keepin’ on, friends!

Sticker Stencils for Face Painting

lea-reverse-star-stencilThe Tattooed Lady is back with some helpful tips & tricks for your next face painting gig! Have you ever arrived to an event only to realize you forgot your face painting stencils? Check out Léa’s unique fix for this dilemma.

Fortunately for Léa, missing her star shaped stencil wasn’t the end of the world. Realizing she had star shaped stickers, she improvised and was able to discover a new use out of those otherwise ordinary stickers.

Applying the sticker to the area where the stencil would have gone, Léa was able to create a negative star design using her new sticker stencil! A negative design is one without paint and where only skin is making up the area of the design.

Incorporating this newly found face painting skill, Léa has put together a tutorial on her reverse stencil technique! Head on over to The Tattooed Lady’s blog to watch the full tutorial and expand your face painting tricks!

[button type=”ambitious_button” url=”” target=”” ]Read more & Watch the Tutorial[/button]

Top 20 Must-Haves for Face Painters

As I travel the world I get to meet the best of the best tackle tarts. Tackle tarts are paint hoarders that must have and buy everything related to face painting. I love tackle tarts because they keep Silly Farm in business, however I hate to see things go to waste. Some of you have so much paint that you couldn’t use it in two lifetimes. Then I meet painters that have a hodge podge of this and that, and they are still trying to find the perfect kit and set up.

The perfect kit does not exist, nor does the perfect brand. You will have to kiss a few paint frogs in order to find the products that transform your art into a Picasso or you can read my list of 20 Must haves for painters and hopefully I can save you money and time kissing those frogs!

  • 20) A mesh laundry bag to hold sponges.
    Sponges are lightweight, fly away and are easily lost. I store my sponges in a laundry bag so they don’t fly away and it makes it simple to wash them after a gig.
  • 19) Baby Wipes and not the cheapy ones either!
    When buying baby wipes try to make sure they don’t have a lot of fragrance or are rough on the skin. That way you protect your paints and don’t leave fibers in them. You can also clean the children or your hands without smelling like a baby booty.
  • 18) Business Cards on your table!
    If your goal is to generate more business and solicit new clients, don’t make them do the work. Have your cards and your contact info readily available so they can find you, book you and PAY you.
  • 17) An Acrylic Mirror.Large Acrylic Mirror
    A GOOD mirror too! Would you buy an invisible Mercedes? Probably not, so why would you paint a masterpiece and not be able to show it off? Look for an acrylic mirror at least the size of a sheet of paper. You want your clients to look in the mirror and go WOW, not scramble for a lip gloss mirror at the bottom of their mom’s purse. The reason I mention an acrylic mirror is to avoid 7 years of bad luck as acrylic mirrors are less fragile and clean easier.
  • 16) Bandaids.
    I have saved the lives of paper cut wounded children and was praised as a hero just because I carry bandaids with me. You would be surprised how far a bandaid can go and how you can save the party.
  • 15) A Gallon of Water.
    In order to keep my set up looking clean and keep parents happy with my hygiene practices, I dump my dirty water quite often. To avoid running to the sink every time I need a fresh cup, I carry a gallon of water with me to ensure enough clean water for the entire length of my gig. Clean is the new cool!
  • 14) A Table and Chair.
    It wasn’t until I stepped into the role of party mom that I realized how crazy you are when you are hosting a birthday party for your kid. You want everything to be perfect and you want the least amount of problems thrown your way. When I hire a professional and pay professional rates I expect them to come ready to go, and I expect that they have a table and chair to do their job. A table and chair is part of the required materials in order to complete their duties. The last thing I want to do when I am hosting a party is stop greeting my guests to find a table for the face painter. Being prepared is essential and gives you a professional look.
  • 13) Table Cloth.
    If you want to charge like a professional you need to look like one. I carry my face painting kit, my purse, my gallon of water and other stuff to my job. When I set up I store everything under my table and cover it all up with a nice glittery table cloth. My clients like it because I look professional and I love it because it hides all the things I don’t want kids to touch or mess with.
  • 12) A Smile.
    A smile is the only curve that sets everything straight. Remember, we sell smiles. If you yourself aren’t wearing one, how do you expect your clients to feel? Put your bad day aside when you are on the job and remember to smile because its contagious!
  • 11) Water Bottle, Snacks, and Gum.
    Especially for those long gigs! I have painted at events for 6+ hours and thank goodness I always pack a little something to nibble on and drink during the event. While it feels inhumane to paint on your feet for 6+ hours, sometimes we get carried away. Having a little snack in your pocket can make a huge difference. I try to keep granola bars or raisins in my pocket to help me along the way and keep myself energized. I also bring some water for me to drink on the job so that I don’t have to rely on the host of the party to offer me a drink. Especially during the summer months!
  • 10) Brush Tub.Brush Tub - Brush Caddy & Water Basin
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE my brush tub. I have always had trouble losing my brushes, or them rolling around on my table. I love this brush tub because I can stand my brushes up in the right direction and it has 3 compartments. I always keep one compartment with clean water to use with my q-tips for the lips. The other compartment has ridges at the bottom that help me clean excess paint residue from my brushes. It’s a good size to travel with and easy to clean!
  • 9) Q-tips.
    The best way to apply lipstick is by using a q-tip. This way you don’t have to use your brush on everyone’s lips and you can keep your brushes more sanitary. A little hint to get the glitter to stay longer on the lips. Add a little Vaseline over the lipstick and then dab glitter on. Your model will have glittery lips for a while.
  • 8) Good Round Brushes. Round Brushes
    By now most of you know I am a Gold Grip fan. The Gold Grip brushes are my personal favorites because they hold their point after repeated use in water and the bristles are chiseled to a fine point. The hairs rarely start going awry unless you leave them immersed in water, and they hold paint nicely. Round brushes are the most commonly used brushes by face painters and having a few GREAT rounds in your kit will make a HUGE difference in your line quality.
  • 7) An assortment of Arty and Rainbow Cakes. Multi-colored Paints, Rainbows, Art Cakes, ect
    Even if you just buy one arty and one rainbow cake it will be worth the investment. You would be surprised how much faster you can paint when you can put down five background colors at once. My new personal favorite rainbow cake is the Hippie and Moon Dance Rainbow Cake. They are WOW! I also can’t live without my Bright Leaf and Juicy Fruit Arty Cakes. Rainbow and Arty cakes are impressive to have on your table because parents look at your supplies and think you have a secret product only available to painters. They are also amazed at what it does and really are blown away. I load my table with rainbow and arty cakes because it also shows the parents that I have products they can’t just buy at WalMart or Party City. The products I am using are sold at the super exclusive, Painters Paradise, Silly Farm Supplies. Only painters can shop there (Just kidding).
  • 6) Sponges.Sponges & Specialty Brushes
    In order to apply base coat or to cover a large area, you will want to use face painting sponges. I suggest keeping them in the mesh bag mentioned earlier so you don’t loose them. Cutting them in half is another great way to extend their life and get the most out of them. This way you will also have a nice flat surface to blend with and cover a large area. If you plan on buying sponges from a craft store, make sure they; are soft to the skin, don’t fall apart when used in water, and don’t itch the skin.
  • 5) Cosmetic Glitter.Cosmetic Glitters
    Nothing finishes a face painting design quite like some sparkle. While some people see glitter as the STD of the craft world, I see it as essential as a Visa card. Never leave home without it! If you have to choose just one glitter, I would suggest the White Fairy Dust. The white fairy dust is the most practical because it can go over any color without covering the design. If you want to get fancy then I suggest having a pink, gold, and lime green glitter too to dress up your lips, leaves and tigers. If you purchase your glitter from a craft store please make sure it is safe to use on the skin. Make sure it is a cosmetic grade glitter, made from polyester not metallic. Metallic glitter can be harmful in the eyes and cause the child to feel itchy.
  • 4) Brush Bath.Brush Cleaner, Sanitizer, Conditioner
    It took me 4 years to work with a chemist to come up with a formula that was non toxic, safe for the skin, organic and that can be used while we face paint. Brush bath is a water sanitizer and brush conditioner. You can use it while you face paint to keep your water fresh in between rinses, and it also conditions the bristles while you rinse. It does not contain any alcohol and it is 100% safe on the skin. Adding rubbing alcohol to your face painting water does not have any affect or serve a purpose. If you don’t use Brush bath, I recommend using baby shampoo, but only a very little.
  • 3) Starblend Powders.
    Powders can be just as useful and time saving as using rainbow cakes. The powders serve as a fast background color without having to use a damp sponge. Powders are applied dry with a smoothie blender which allow for fast and smooth application. I love using the red starblend for Spiderman, it has saved me so much in paint and time!
  • 2) Gems.Acrylic Gems
    Gems are like my secret weapon. When a child doesn’t want to get painted, I whip out my gems and make a child’s day! Gems can be used to create a necklace, crown, or a pretty bracelet. Its funny, but something as simple as a gem can leave a lasting memory with both the child and parent. They are inexpensive, but can take your face painting to the next level.
  • 1) Professional Grade Face Paint.Professional Grade Face Paint
    A painter cannot paint without paint. It’s a must. I’m not going to sell you on any one brand, I would rather just push you in the direction of using skin safe, cosmetic grade face and body make up. Avoid acrylics, avoid grease make up that is hard to remove for kids, and set yourself up with a kit that looks professional, allows you to paint like Van Gough, and that you are proud to use on your own skin. Keep your paints clean, build a kit around the colors and designs you like to paint the most, and mix and match your favorite brands. I promise you will love your kit when it becomes a reflection of you.

If I missed anything on my list, send us an email or leave a comment below! Happy Painting !

How To Get More Business

Creativity Takes CourageThere comes a time in every entrepreneurs journey where the road splits and we have to shift gears from operating as a hobby to full throttle sales. Many of us start off small, clients here and there, passing out the occasional card, and answering calls at our leisure. Problem with that is, at the same time, we have invested in hundreds and even thousands of dollars in supplies that aren’t generating income. So the real question is, “How do I get the business I want and need?”.

*Disclaimer: The thoughts, advice and information provided in this post are solely the opinions of the author and should be followed up with due diligence prior to holding them as truth.

  1. Determine the level of business you are looking to pursue.
  2. If you want to do the occasional birthday or town event, or if you only want to work one weekend a month, I don’t suggest that you flood the town with business cards. If you are looking to work every weekend and possibly a restaurant or two during the week, then your strategy will differ. Some of us have BIG plans for our face painting businesses. We want to bring in the bucks, book tons of good paying gigs, and paint till our hands hurts. But it’s important to weigh the pros and cons. Typically a face painters busiest days of the week are Saturday and Sunday, which are also the days we like to spend with family, catch up on house chores, or attend our own personal events. Are you ready to commit your weekends to work? If you are, I will tell you how to get more business, but if you don’t want the responsibility of booking, invoicing, inventory, and working on the weekends, then you will want to consider working through an agent that will book you based on availability.

  3. There are no shortcuts to being successful in business.
  4. Investing is one of the most crucial aspects of business success and growth. When I refer to investing, I’m not just talking about in product. I am talking about investing your time in marketing (meeting people), volunteering, doing research and learning.

  5. Marketing yourself in most cases is free.
  6. Marketing involves putting your people skills to work. Get out there and network. Talk to your neighbors, teachers, friends, and get involved in your community events. Visit a local family restaurant and offer a family night to drum up business. That alone gives you the opportunity to network with other families in your area. Invest time in people and those people will turn into customers.

  7. Planning can mean the difference between success and failure.
  8. What am I talking about you say? Suppose it’s a busy weekend and you have three parties booked back to back. Rather than waiting until the day of to punch in the addresses in your GPS and drive frantically from event to event, map out your day on Thursday. Call the party mom’s or event managers to confirm locations and ask for any special instructions. Planning early will eliminate the surprise factor that can cause you to run late, mess up an address, or forget about a road closure that may take you 20 miles out of the way.

  9. Research is another core component of being successful.

Creativity is a way of LifeI spend no less than 20-24 hours a week researching trends, color schemes, browsing the web for ideas, new products, reading blogs, answering questions, watching you tube, teaching myself new skills and finding inspiration. If you are a newbie you will want to spend your time browsing the net looking for pricing ideas for your region, local events to market, research what services others are offering and at what prices, and how you can possibly collaborate with local agencies. Being prepared is important because when push comes to shove knowing your worth will mean the difference between ending the day in the red or the black.

Every year I face paint at the largest Hispanic festival in south Florida. Over 100,000 people attend this festival and being prepared pays off. I am hired to face paint the public at no charge. For me it’s a great event because I get paid whether I paint 10 people or 100 people. The difference is that we are allowed to accept tips. So it’s in our best interest to move the line. After several years of doing this event, I have my system down packed. I have a limited display and work from a board. I can paint almost 20 people per hour based on the board designs. I print off the flags of the various Hispanic countries, laminate the sheets and offer them as designs. This formula works to my advantage because I can move quick and my customers are happy.

open your mindLast year a local new painter decided to set up shop at the festival. Her first mistake was that she failed to do her research. One, you have to have a permit and insurance to set up a concession at a city festival. Two, she did not bring a table to set up her supplies, so she asked me to share mine. My client that hired me did not want her painting next to me because she didn’t know if she was using proper materials or had proper paperwork, so she made her move. Later that afternoon I saw the poor girl using an empty box as her table. Third, she didn’t come prepared. She did not have pictures for the people to choose from, she had to “look up” the flags on her iPhone, and she didn’t have extra water to use to change out her cup.

After the festival I walked over to her to talk to her and introduce myself. I handed her my card and told her to give me a call and that I’d help her. At first she seemed put off. Perhaps she was slightly embarrassed or didn’t know what my intentions were, but that call is the reason she is now running a successful face painting business.

If she had taken the time to visit the festival and do her research to find out if there were painters at the festival, what designs they were offering, what they were charging, if she was legally able to just show up and paint, what products they were using, etc.., she would not have faced the embarrassing challenges she brought upon herself.

Lastly, I want to stress the importance of learning. I have taken well over 300 classes on just face painting. I try to use any free time I have to watch a FABAtv lesson. Learning helps you be prepared, helps you service your customers better, and helps you gain an advantages over the other painters that only paint three designs or cheek art. For example, one of my favorite customers called and asked me if I could paint her daughters synchronized swimmers team and she was looking for water proof make up. Luckily for me I had just watched a class by Nix Herrera about airbrush make up application and that gave me the knowledge on what to offer her.

Another time when I was hired to paint at a boy scout convention. I stayed up till 3:00 AM watching classes by Mark Reid, Lynne Jamieson, Sammie Bartko, and Wiser just to brush myself up on the designs boys love. Learning is what engages us to try new things, explore beyond our comfort zone of butterflies and princesses, and can open up doors of possibilities. If you are struggling with speed, invest some time in learning techniques to help you speed up your designs without compromising quality. If you are uncertain about how to file your taxes or incorporate as a business in your state, invest time in reading and learning about it on the SBA website or business blogs. Don’t underestimate the importance of investing in yourself. You are selling yourself and your services. It makes perfect sense to be prepared with the right tools, the right knowledge, and the insight about how to do the best job possible.

Having those tools will certainly take you 10 steps in the right direction to create more sales, gather more clients and grow your business.

I write these articles to share my knowledge and help other artists grow. Please feel free to share you business advice with me and our community of painters. If you wish to write for the Faba Blog, contact us.

Happy Painting!

Creativity never goes out of style

Picture This

Silly Heather GreenI am fortunate to have gigs coming in from all angles. I work with several agents in the south Florida area and they bring me great work. The only downside to it, is that every agency requires a little something different. One agency emails me a gig sheet with directions and more event info than i’ll ever need. While other agencies send me on blind parties and I hold my breathe until the event ends.

About 5 years ago, an agent booked me and it seemed business as usual. Two days prior to the party, I came down with strep throat. Up to that point I had never missed a gig. I pride myself on doing a great job and never letting anyone down, so knowing I had to give my job away was difficult. I called my BFF to cover for me. I called the agency and spoke the the assistant planner and she made the switch. The day of the event I get a call from the birthday mom livid with me. She was upset because the agency had sent her my picture with her contract and she wanted to know why I didn’t show up and why they sent a replacement without notifying her.

I did my best to keep cool and not be reactive, but I didn’t know what shocked me more; The fact the lady had my picture, or the fact that she called to scream at me about it. Long story short, I calmed the lady down, explained my strep throat and told her I would find out from the agency why she wasn’t notified.

The next day I called the agent and told them the story. They told me that they email every client the picture of the entertainer coming to their event so there are no surprises. The owner of the agency told me that because she was sending performers into the homes of high end clients, she wanted the customer to feel safe prior to the event. Her idea made sense to me, surely I’d be more relaxed if I knew that the painter I hired for my kids birthday party wouldn’t show up covered in tattoos and piercings.

The downside to sending a picture in advance is that pictures speak a thousand words. If you send a picture ahead of time and the clients doesn’t like your look it can cost you the job. It is still very common to judge a book by its cover. So if you send a picture of yourself, they will base your talent on your appearance. And you have to be willing to defend your look. The other problem with sending a picture is that you can not change artists at the last minute because the party parents know what you look like. The mom that screamed at me, felt I was trying to scam her. I explained that my BFF was amazing and just as good, and luckily the woman agreed to let her stay. In the end it worked out and it opened my mind.

Sending a picture ahead of time is good customer service. If you have a website with your profile picture or about us page, send the link to your customers. It will allow them to put a face with a name and set their minds at ease. Playing guess who and what will show up at the door is not a fun game. Preparing my customers means happy customers, and I’m all about that.

If you are being booked from an advert or referral and the client has never seen you, giving them a glimpse of what they will get is not only helpful, it can mean building a loyal customer.

If you are going to send a picture, make sure it is event appropriate and that it conveys a professional, accurate portrayal of you. Planning makes perfect and picture perfect can be your way to get noticed!

Happy painting! I’d love to hear your thoughts on this! :)

Heather is the CEO of Silly Farm Supplies, a face and body art supplies company located in Davie, Florida.

Eating on the Job

I work for several different booking agencies. Many of them have it stated in my contract that eating on the job is strictly prohibited, but its sooo hard to ignore the smell of fresh popcorn, sweet cotton candy, grilled hamburgers and all the yummy sweets parties are known for serving.

Face Painting and Eating

It wasn’t until I was photographed at a party with a mouth full of cookie that I decided to put a nix on eating on the job.

  • It was not hygienic to eat near my paints
  • It was rude to be eating will I am being paid to do a job
  • If I wanted to maintain a professional persona then I needed to be prepared on the job which includes eating before a job or arranging a break time to eat outside my painting vicinity.

I get hired to do long events where I might be standing on my feet for over 6 hours. Bending and lifting kids can not only work up a hunger, but food is a must when you are working at such an intense pace. Whenever I have an event booked for longer than 4 hours I always require a 15 minute break and I pack a light lunch that I can eat during my break. I learned this method the hard way, but to this day my method helps me avoid hunger headaches and ensures I am able to do my best job possible.

Because of my Latin roots and the majority of the parties I attend are hosted by latin people, they are always offering me plates of food and sometimes alcohol. Latin people are notorious for demanding that you eat their food and enjoy it. I explain to the host that I do not eat during my jobs, but they can always pack a plate to go. Most of the time I do not want the food they are offering anyways, but letting them know I will take a plate to go kills 2 birds with one stone so that I don’t offend anyone or have to stop painting to eat.

I also do a lot of events that have lavish catered food and I make sure never to assume I am allowed to eat the food until the event planner invites me. Nothing is ruder than standing in line in  front of invited guests and serving yourself a plate of food. I look at myself and a hired guest, and I would not appreciate someone eating from my party without an invitation to do so.

If you are a hiring agent, I suggest writing some general rules to avoid your performers potentially embarrassing you. Make sure to state that there is no eating on the job and that alcohol on the job is strictly prohibited. If the client requests that you eat, you must wait until your contracted time is over or request a plate to go.

By laying down rules you can avoid losing a gig and setting a standard for professional behavior. Sometimes stating the obvious can mean the difference between a headache and a tip. Communicate everything assume nothing. Words to live by.

Happy Painting!

Heather is the CEO of Silly Farm Supplies, a retailer of face and body art supplies.

Painting Inspiration

Face Painted Inspirational Masks

One of the most wonderful things I discovered as an artist was to make myself aware of my surroundings, as inspiration is always there waiting to be discovered. All we have to do is open our eyes and see. The following are some suggestions based on the things I’ve learned to do, to welcome inspiration to flow in my daily life.


I believe that creative inspiration and abilities can be absorbed by osmosis, and living with it can make us more creative. Surround yourself with as much art as you can afford.


Even if you live in a small apartment with five cats, carve out a corner for your art supplies. I keep a palette, brushes, sponges, water container, a few books, magazines, pictures, a small VCR/DVD player, DVD’s, a practice pad and watercolor tablet in a small table next to my favorite chair. I relax by practicing my strokes and by creating new, original designs. As time goes by, it has become a habit that aids me in improving my skills.


Another tool that has helped me a lot is my collection of scrapbooks. Their pages filled with colorful images from magazines, catalogs, advertisements, my own doodles and other painters’ work are a feast of images and ideas. Most creative people thrive on a steady diet of stimuli. Keep your cookbook of inspiration close at hand and cook up amazing new design ideas.

Marcela’s Tips & Tricks


Give yourself an inspiring break. Start by marking the date in your calendar and making the commitment to just do it. Take a full day, a half day or even a couple of hours to search for inspiration. Plan a trip for the artist in you to a museum, a gallery, art store, bookstore or an artsy part of town. You don’t have to buy anything, just observe and take notes. I can guarantee that by the time you get home, you will be looking forward to sitting in your artist workspace to allow the collected inspiration to flow out of you like a waterfall.


Body Painting at FABAIC 2010 Don’t be afraid to color outside the lines. Picasso didn’t get famous by painting realistic portraits and Dali made us look at faces in a brand new way. Dare to change the rules of what you have been taught and see what happens. Buy yourself a new brush, maybe one of an unusual shape and discover what you can do with it on your own. Find ways to combine colors that in your mind don’t match. Fire your critics (especially your inner one) and know that our growth is in trying new things.
Face Painting Book of ButterfliesWhen I was working on the Face Painting Book of Butterflies, there came a point where I felt that all of the designs were looking very much alike. The next morning while I was sitting by the ocean, I decided to give Jinny a call to ask her for advice. She said to me, “Face painting is fantasy art–anything goes. Think outside the box. Morph your butterflies with another animal or anything that comes to mind. See what happens.” First I didn’t understand exactly what she meant so I decided to close my eyes to meditate on it for a few minutes. When I opened my eyes I saw the most beautiful sunrise and immediately I picked up my drawing pencils and created the sunrise butterfly, which is in the book. The top wings are the colors of the sky at sunrise with a few seagulls decorating it. The bottom wings have the ocean and the beach with a couple palm trees painted in each corner. The sun is the body of the butterfly. It is one of my favorite ones in the book.[clear]


Art classes are inspirational. They help your face and body painting skills to emerge. From one-stroke painting, to ceramics or watercolors, art is art. Inspiration abides in experimenting with all types of art forms.
You can usually find your favorite artists traveling and teaching. Attend one of their classes, or go to a convention to really boost your skills. With the internet ever expanding, it has become easier then ever to find and take a workshop, even taking online classes like

FABAIC 2012 - Face Painting, Body Painting, Airbrush Art


Feeling good is also a form of inspiration. Our physical condition and frame of mind are essential raw materials because the source of creativity lives deep within our souls. Taking care to be healthy in body, mind and spirit makes us more receptive to the gifts of inspiration that surround us. Make a list of things you can do that will help you snap out of a low day. Take a candle lit bath, listen to your favorite music, eat fruits and chocolate, go for a walk, read a good book, hug somebody or make a list of all the things in your life that you are grateful for. Say Thank YOU! Then enjoy your artistic work place as you relax and paint!

-Marcela Murad
Co-Producer of the Face and Body Art International Convention

Leave a comment below and tell us what you do to get inspired.