Sticker Stencils for Face Painting

lea-reverse-star-stencilThe Tattooed Lady is back with some helpful tips & tricks for your next face painting gig! Have you ever arrived to an event only to realize you forgot your face painting stencils? Check out Léa’s unique fix for this dilemma.

Fortunately for Léa, missing her star shaped stencil wasn’t the end of the world. Realizing she had star shaped stickers, she improvised and was able to discover a new use out of those otherwise ordinary stickers.

Applying the sticker to the area where the stencil would have gone, Léa was able to create a negative star design using her new sticker stencil! A negative design is one without paint and where only skin is making up the area of the design.

Incorporating this newly found face painting skill, Léa has put together a tutorial on her reverse stencil technique! Head on over to The Tattooed Lady’s blog to watch the full tutorial and expand your face painting tricks!

[button type=”ambitious_button” url=”” target=”” ]Read more & Watch the Tutorial[/button]