Freebies – Business Cards, Tutorials, & Consulting

This article is a submission from Artist Alley. Click here to view it on Artist Alley.
When you’re just getting your business started, the onslaught of expenses can be staggering. After all, it takes money to make money – right? Definitely…but sometimes the best things in life are FREE!

Getting Started

Every new business needs a website, which I found to be one of my most daunting tasks. Web designers are expensive, and it’s easy to get taken advantage of when you don’t know much about web development. Check out our last article about websites and you’ll be well on your way to getting started for free, with minimal technical knowledge.
Business card examples
Business cards
are an absolute essential for networking; you never know where you’ll be when someone asks for your information. Pulling out a stylish business card looks much more professional than scrambling to jot down your number on some scrap paper you found in your purse. Vista Print and Zazzle both offer free business cards, with plenty of design templates to choose from.
If your business involves selling merchandise, check out the United States Postal Service‘s array of free shipping supplies. You can “purchase” your supplies online, and have it shipped right to your door.

Education & Designs

The education process is endless. You may have already “learned” your trade, but keeping up with the latest trends and techniques takes some serious dedication. While I recommend saving up for workshops and conventions, it’s understandably expensive. Keep your skills fresh between classes by dabbling around on Youtube; there’s tutorials for everything from cheek art to prosthetics, henna, and more. Some of the biggest names in face & body art keep active channels, full of advice and tutorials.

Check out Silly Heather and Jinny for starts!
Heather Green - Face PainterJinny Makeup Artist

Business Consulting

Even with all of the right supplies and talent, a small business can fizzle out if you’re not prepared for the management end of things. SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives) is a nonprofit consulting service for entrepreneurs to help you build your business from a solid foundation. In addition to their free business counseling services, they host low cost workshops and webinars.

Managing your money and resources from the start will afford you more success in the long run. Fancy business cards and high end websites are great, but pace yourself! Grow your business thoughtfully; every penny matters.

Wishing you all so much success,
Caitlin St. Angelo

Spotlight Artist – Lisa Marshall

Lisa Marshall free LIVE class on FABAtv
Our latest Spotlight Artist, Lisa Marshall, is doing a free FABAtv LIVE class on Thursday, July 12th, 2012 starting at 8:00pm EST. Don’t miss it! Click the banner for more info!

Spotlight Artist Lisa Marshall

Multi Colored Swirl by Lisa Marshall Face Painted Jewelry by Lisa Marshall Face Painted Mask by Lisa Marshall

Tell us a little about yourself, where are you from?
Comox B.C., Canada

Are you an artist full time or do you have another job?
Part-Time Artist and a Full time Mom

What type of face and body art do you specialize in?

How did you get your start(in face and body art)?

I bought a Paradise Prisma Pro Palette and just started practicing everyday until I was confident to paint others. I have been a painter for many years, but decided to try a new medium and dove right into the Face & Body Art world.

What’s the most enjoyable part of what you do?
I love to explore new ideas and teach what I learn to fellow painters. I hope to inspire them, as they have for me. I also like to watch the faces of people around me as I create a design…and when I hand them the mirror!!! Whether its a scary or pretty design, I love to hear them say “WOW!”

Do you attend any conventions, like the FABAIC?
I have attended the 2012 Face and Body Art International Convention and hope to be back next year!

What would you like to do more of, art or otherwise?
I would love to learn how to create prosthetics, plus do more full body painting and professional make-up.

Outside of art, what do you do for fun?
I love the beach, bike riding and live music!

Do you have any pet peeves?
When I’m practicing and my cat comes along and tries to chew the end of my brush…haha.

Where do you see yourself in a couple years?
The sky is the limit, and I would love to travel and teach.

Do you have any projects going on or in the works?
I always have SOMETHING in the works… 😉 I do a lot of sketching, painting, and I am trying to develop some new product ideas.

What do you think of FABAtv?
The first time I tuned into FABATV, I couldn’t believe my eyes, there were so many classes and I didn’t know what to watch first!!! It only made me want to paint MORE! It’s fantastic that there are skilled painters offering to teach you their tricks, because when you are new to the industry, it’s nice to have a place to go and look up new ideas, techniques, and designs to help you expand your skill set!

Want to contact Lisa or see more examples of her work?
You can visit Lisa’s website at

Like her page or contact her through Silver Cord Creations on Facebook.
Email her at

Don’t forget to tune in July 12th at 8:00 pm EST for a free LIVE class on with Lisa Marshall!

FABAIC 2012 Recap

We just wrapped up the 11th annual Face and Body Art International Convention. The FABAIC hosts over 500 of the world’s most talented and artistically charged painters. Every year we come together, paint, learn about new products, attend classes, and catch up with old friends and many times make new friends!


This year was a challenge. After hosting the last 10 years of the FABAIC in Orlando, we made a bold decision to move the venue closer to our home. We bit our nails for a full year hoping that the move wouldn’t hurt the FABAIC or worse, that the hotel wouldn’t accept us for who we are.

As the FABAIC festivities came to an end, I literally found myself in a daze. I didn’t know whether to smile and jump for joy because we successfully conquered another year, or cry because I was so amazed at the overall event. It takes us a full year to plan everything about the FABAIC, from vendors, to pipe and drape, to the menu, and an airport shuttle. We scream, fight, and sometimes leave work hating each other because the stress can be overwhelming, but after this FABAIC, I cried tears of pure joy.

FABAIC 2012 - Lizard GirlNix Herrera - FABAIC 2012

This year was my personal favorite. There was a happiness in the air, a relaxed vibe that placed a trance on the event. I watched over 400 artists paint with delight, share without hesitation, focus on teamwork, and enthusiastically learn from one another. Most everyone left their ego at the door and embraced the artistic climate of the event.

My overall highlight of the FABAIC was the Bollywood Flash Mob. Secretly we arranged a flash mob including instructors, kids, and vendors. Nothing made my smile bigger than seeing the children dance to the music, the watch Jinny join in, followed by the Wolfe Brothers and Magic Mike doing the Jai Ho. It was priceless and reminded me why the face and body art family is something truly unique.

I have to admit that my opinion is slightly biased. As the producer of the convention, I naturally felt that we did a super job. As a consumer, an eager artist, and an entrepreneur, I still felt we hit the nail on the head with the lineup of classes, the overall selection of brands and products represented, the events that took place, and the value I received by attending. When we plan the FABAIC we start by asking ourselves questions from every angle. We ask each other questions about schedules, and learning, we search the internet for hot products and sought after artists, we channel our inner child and build a Young Artists program that will groom our future painters. We leave no stone unturned, and cross every T. This is our life and our love drives the FABAIC to new heights every year.

FABAIC 2012 - Jay Bautista
FABAIC 2012 - Sean AvramFABAIC 2012 - DonnaFABAIC 2012 - Mehron

On Sunday, we hosted the Annual Body Painting competition. It was remarkable. The artwork was too amazing to believe that these artists finished a full award worthy living canvas in under 6 hours. I declined the invitation to judge the competition because the talent was too much to handle. As I walked around the room, I was so happy to see how far our industry has come. The artwork and talent soars to new heights every year and I am grateful we can play a part in making that happen.

The FABAIC can only be described as sleep away art camp. Artists come together to party, paint, and enjoy an environment of learning. Artists use the FABAIC as a retreat, they invest in themselves and their businesses with the mindset that they will leave a better, more experienced artist and they are right!

FABAIC 2012 - KidsFABAIC 2012 - JoselynFABAIC 2012

I could go on and on forever about the convention, but instead I will dedicate my next few blogs to certain sections of the FABAIC and encourage your feedback. I thank each of you from the bottom of my heart for your support with Silly Farm, FABAtv, FABAIC, FABAblog, and FAB Events.
Happy Painting!

To view all the amazing photos from the 2012 FABAIC please visit the FABAIC facebook page or website.


My aunt Marcela “Mama Clown” Murad has always been a visionary. Eleven years ago she turned her dream of creating an educational event dedicated strictly to face and body art into a reality, along with her friend Cynthia Keeler. Together they pioneered the Face and Body Art International Convention, what would soon become the greatest gathering of face and body artists in the world.

Face and Body Art International Convention

In 2007, I took over as co-producer of the FABAIC, along with Deidre MacDonald, Marcela Murad, and Claudia Banks. Together and with the rest of our amazing team, we work hard to make the FABAIC an event not to be missed.

The FABAIC is a sleep away art camp for adults. A place where creativity flows from every corner and color has no limit. The art work is jaw dropping and the classes cover all topics and skill sets. We search the globe looking for the best instructors to share their passion with other eager artists. We spend a full year planning the FABAIC to include; interesting topics, new concepts, new vendors, unveiling of new products, and a convention that is one of a kind. We put an emphasis on creating a learning environment that inspires you, sparks your creativity, and makes it impossible not to learn something.

In 2011, we celebrated our 10 year anniversary of the FABAIC. After 10 years of hosting the FABAIC in Orlando, FL we made a BIG change and moved the convention to our home town of Ft Lauderdale, FL. We wanted to enter the new decade on a fresh note and re-energize our venue. Ambiance is as critical as the content our instructors are providing. Our new hotel is full of lush tropical gardens, crystal blue waterfalls, and bright sun light classrooms. We felt the new venue is a perfect environment to go wild with your art work.

A FABAIC Classroom Tikki Hut Sun Roof!New FABAIC Hotel Pool EntranceFABAIC Hotel Waterfall Pool

The FABAIC is a convention where face and body artists come to learn. We offer the widest selection of classes, covering all topics from A-Z. Whether you are a seasoned artist, a creative make up artist looking to expand into special effects and fantasy make up, a stay at home mom that loves art, or a teacher looking for a great part time job, this event is for you. You might be asking yourself, “Do they really paint all day?” and “Will I really learn?” the answer is yes! Every year I treat my staff to the FABAIC, and after just one convention I could see the difference in their painting and artwork. The FABAIC will take you out of your box, help you expand your skills, and the creative force will inspire you to pick up your brush and explore. You don’t have to take my word for it, you can check out the FABAIC Gallery, find the FABAIC on Facebook, or just read reviews around the web. If you are serious about becoming a better painter, investing in your craft, and taking your art to the next level, then you can not afford to miss the 2012 Face and Body Art International Convention.

Besides offering over 80 classes over four days, we also offer classes for Young Artists. I was fortunate that Marcela shared the face and body art world with me really early. I developed a passion for it and it never left my side. I was able to face paint my way through college, buy my first condo with my face painting money, and turn it into a career. Your kids can enjoy classes designed especially for them, where they learn with other children their age so you can enjoy your classes knowing your kids are learning and having a blast too.

Fun and Games at the FABAICKids love Face Paint!

The FABAIC is also the worlds largest face and body art marketplace. We host all the major manufacturers of face and body art supplies so that they can debut their newest products, answer questions, and let you try before you buy your supplies. The market place is a painters candy store, the hardest part is not buying everything.

Four years ago we started the FABAIC Body Painting Competition where the first place prize is $1,000 cash. Artists from around the world come to compete and the finished product is truly unbelievable. It takes some artists years to complete one canvas, and our artists finish a human masterpiece in 5 hours. The competition is truly living art at its finest.

Nix-Herrera-ButterflyWolfe Bros- Face Painting

Even with classes, competition, shopping, and networking there’s still more! Every morning we kick of the day with a little fun and funk with a Zumba class. From 9-5 we have classes and workshops and then you can enjoy show and tell demonstrations from your peers, marketing panel discussions, and the world famous Jam sessions. The jams are painting parties where all the attendees break out their paints and practice everything they learned throughout the day. Imagine a room with 500 people painting and creating. It’s priceless and you can’t help but be amazed.


If you are still on the fence or want more information, please visit the FABAIC website or email us, Heather:, Marcela:, or Deidre: I encourage you to join us. let us help you re-energize your business, add value to your services, and grow as an artist. Let the FABAIC be your vacation this year and take a creative siesta- You deserve it! I hope to see you all in May!

Happy painting!

[button type=”ambitious_button_clean” url=”” target=”on” ]Take me to the FABAIC Website[/button]


Live Your Passion

Wolfe Face Paint

A passion is a craving, the thing we hunger for. It’s what we are most curious about. Our passion is what we long to do, something that makes us truly happy and enriches our lives. Being passionate about something inspires us to take action, to put energy into our dreams and to make them come true. If you are passionate about something, ask yourself,

“What do I need to do to live my passion, to keep it alive?”

If your passion is the same as mine, Face and Body Art, some of my tips will help you.
Buy yourself a scrapbook and start collecting images of anything that catches your eye. These can be pictures from a magazine, other artists work, or your own drawings and doodles. You can also keep a folder in your computer, or use an online service like Pinterest, for the same purpose. Personally, I like the feeling of holding the book and slowly looking through it’s pages. On days when my creativity is running low, they serve as inspiration and they rekindle my passion for my art.

FABAIC 09 Winner Alex Hansen

“How do you get started?”

Make a list of things you dream of doing and pursue it. Take a workshop with your
favorite artist, publish a book, travel and get paid for sharing
your talents with others! Read your list everyday, believing that all things
are possible. Then commit to practice, because practice will help you to become better at
what you do and more passionate about it! The old saying still holds true, “Practice makes perfect”!

-Marcela Murad

FABAIC PhotosFABAIC Photos Athena Zhe

Leave a comment below and tell us what your passion is!