In the 1980’s being professional was all about carrying a briefcase and having flown on a plane. In the 90’s being a professional was all about having a cell phone and a college degree. In the 2000’s being a professional is synonymous with being web savvy.
The millionaires and trend setters of our time; Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, and Tony Hsieh, all used the Internet to take their businesses to the next level. It’s not enough to have a fancy business card, people want to know about you. We live in a transparent society, where the internet gives you 24/7 access to personal information. Having a functional and good looking website, where potential clients can meet you before they “meet” you at their event, can only benefit your business. As a a parent, I want to know who I am hiring to come to my home and interact with my kid as well as my close friends and family. I want to know who is the person that I am trusting to do a good job, be family friendly, be trustworthy, and responsible. The same goes when I sub-contract work to someone. I want to see images of them on the job, read reviews about their services, and see who I am sending out to represent my company. Having a website also makes you more reachable. Google is the worlds largest search engine, millions of people search for things they need every second. By entering your name in the Google game you are more likely to reach clients and expand your business.
I get asked a lot, “Can’t I just use Facebook?” The answer is no! Facebook is an awesome way to drive traffic to your site, but it’s a personal social media middle man. Facebook was created to link people to people. Businesses are using Facebook as a means to drive traffic and promote their particular pages, but the main function of social networking is still to share and connect personal information. I made the mistake of connecting all my business to my personal page. I accepted friendships with several customers and clients and now I have to watch what I post. I should have driven them to my business/fan page so I could maintain a personal and professional life. If you are on facebook, your business should be separate from your personal life.
[button type=”button_solid_light nocufon” url=”” target=”on” ]Visit our Facebook Business Page[/button]
Even if you aren’t web savvy or don’t have a lot of funds to invest in a site, there are several affordable options to help you get started. When you buy a domain from GoDaddy they give you a free one page site template. If you want someone to record themselves singing the alphabet backwards, create a quick graphic for you, or write your name in macaroni, Fiverr is a great website for services at only $5. [clear]
Join the wide world of web exposure and make your goal in 2013 to be Google-able. Transform your hobby of face and body art into a business by taking it serious, and taking steps to 21st century professionalism.
Leave a comment below and tell us about your website. Did you build your website or hire a web designer?
Happy Painting!
-Silly Heather
The website from this articles thumbnail image is Face Formers.
The websites in the first image of this article are Silly Farm Supplies, the FABAIC 2012, and the Faba Blog home page.