Create a Conversation Piece

Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman SchultzI recently attended a small business seminar organized by Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the Small Business Association. It was one of the most inspiring events I have attended in years. When I was in college, I didn’t appreciate the information they were sharing. At that time I couldn’t see how the topics and lessons I was learning could be applied to my real world, but this workshop was different. This workshop was full of valuable information and a networking opportunity that was much needed.

One idea that stuck with me as I walked out of the doors was how to make myself into more of a conversation piece. I am a self proclaimed shy person. When I am teaching or around my fellow painters I am an open book, but when I enter a room full of other entrepreneurs sometimes I tend to clam up. When they ask what I do, I search for words to describe what I do without sounding all over the place. I needed an angel to help jump start the conversation and keep potential customers interested in me.

One of the lecturers flipped a switch in my head. He said your goal should be to make yourself, your artwork, and your business into a conversation piece. As I explained to him what I do, he said, “Stop right there, you are using too many words”. His advice was to show him and not tell him. Too many words sink the interest ship. So I went home and thought about it and really racked my brain to try to come up with something that would show and didn’t force me to tell.

So that night I logged on to Etsy and created a few pins that I could wear to networking functions. The pins say “Got Face Paint?” and another that says “Yes! I Painted my face”. It got me thinking, depending on the function, I would wear either pin with or without face paint. The pin acts as an ice breaker and it introduces me before I say a word. It also engages conversation which is my goal. When I face paint at gigs I always paint a design on my eyes and I get asked, “Did you paint your own face?” every time. If I am attending an art networking event and I have painted my own face and am wearing my pin, I can get the conversation started faster and hopefully win over their attention.

Think about how you can make yourself into a conversation piece.

  • Wear your business shirt to the supermarket.
  • Go to the children’s library or museum with your eyes or face painted and make sure to keep business cards in your pocket to hand them out.
  • Take the time to google small business networking events in your area and get conversation ready.

No matter who you are or where you go, you will meet someone with kids, someone that has attended a birthday party, or someone planning an event and that’s your window to grab business and go!

Happy painting!

Resources: Image of Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz from Wikipedia Commons.

PIN-Ch me! I’m addicted

Eight years ago I embarked on the journey of entrepreneurship. I worked in football while I studied in college and I knew I never wanted to work for anyone after that. I love this business and I love watching us grow. But with growth, you will experience growing pains. I started off with just my mother and my aunt (and that was hard enough!) but now I manage 25 employees and it can become stressful. I try to treat all my employees as I would like to be treated and sometimes my Starbucks fix just doesn’t fix my mood. So, I look for ways to vent without totally bitching everyone out.

My newest stress relieving addiction is Pinterest. If you haven’t heard of Pinterest you are missing out on a soothing world of aesthetic goodness. Pinterest is website of pictures, where you organize pictures (that typically link to blogs) by your interests. Pinterest is my getaway, because every time I log in I find an image that inspires, motivates, and typically changes my mood.

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The website is simple, you see a picture you like, you pin it to a board so you can always reference it later. Pinetrest is full of amazing recipes, motivational quotes, fascinating pictures, and DIY ideas that bring a smile to your face. The other great part about Pinterest is you can add your own images. Are you proud of a picture you painted? Do you want to share your artwork with the world? Pinterest is the way to do it. You can add your image and it will randomly appear on someone’s picture feed. Then that person can pin your picture and the more pins your image gets, the better linked your content will be and if your picture is from your blog or website, all that traffic is pointing back to you. Pinterest is reviving blogs and helping create a natural link to your site. This is great for marketing and great when you want to escape into a visual paradise.

If you are just getting started on Pinterest look me up and follow me at heatherg28. Since I am addicted, you will get lots of updates of all the cool things I have found and pinned! Pinterest is cheaper and more fulfilling than Starbucks and its ZERO calories! I encourage each of you to find a happy place where you can escape the madness of an artists life and take a few minutes every day to creatively unwind. Pinterest is my getaway… I’d love to hear about yours.

  Happy Painting! -Silly Heather


Help Yourself by Getting Help

In 2004, I was fresh out of college and had this crazy passion to sell face paint and supplies. When I first bought Silly Farm Supplies, I was operating on almost no budget. I used every penny I’d ever had, including taking a loan from my family to turn my dream into a reality. I have been working since I was 10 years old, when I used to go with my aunt and help her face paint. When I was 14 I started working at Chuckie Cheese. Working came natural to me, but owning my own business was a whole new ball game.

Right after I got Silly Farm, I was so excited and took pride in wearing all the hats in my new business. I would come into Silly Farm every day and jump at the chance to answer the phone, answered every email, ran to pack every box, and would strap the packages to my back and personally walk them to the post office. After a year of working 90 hours a week, and wearing every hat I possibly could, I realized it was time to help myself by getting help.

A lot of business people are penny wise and dollar foolish. They fear if they hire someone to help that they will loose money. Instead they should be thinking how hiring someone can be the best business move they can make. When I hired Cristi to handle all the shipping, I freed up my afternoons to answer more emails, film my youtube face painting videos, and answer more calls. Immediately, Cristi paid for herself.

If you are serious about taking your business to the next level, start by making a list of your best qualities.
Are you a better painter than business person? Do you hate sending contracts and discussing pricing? Do you prefer the behind the scenes of party planning? Do you love doing taxes (yeah right) or being a bookkeeper? Once you answer these questions then make a list of the things you hate doing, your last favorite part about doing business. Read your answers out loud, and then ask yourself am I ready to get serious and help myself to becoming the best business person I can be?

If you are nervous consider partnering with someone you know, such as a friend or family member. My Mom is a perfect example of how I did. She is one of the most brilliant business women I know and she is also the least artistically inclined person I know. She thrives off of numbers, organization, and accounting gives her her kicks. If you have seen my desk before you know organization is not my strong suit, but because I was willing to accept my weaknesses and embrace her strengths we have built a business I am proud of.

The 2012 Face and Body Art International Convention offers a marketing and business track and it’s a perfect opportunity to enlist a partner and get them trained. If 2012 is going to be the year you take your business to the next level, then stop putting it off and make the investment in getting help.

If you ever need advice, or have business related questions I am always happy to help. You can email me or call me at Silly Farm mon – fri. Thank you again for following my blog and I wish you nothing but success in 2012!

Leave a comment below and tell us how many of the hats you wear in your business and how you manage it.
-Silly Heather

Chin Up | Syfy’s Face Off Premiere

Last night Season 2 of the SyFy show Face Off premiered. It was extremely awesome because two of our talented friends were featured. I have had the pleasure of working with Nix Herrera and Athena Zhe over the past 10 years, at the Face and Body Art International Convention and other industry events. I have witnessed Athena and Nix blossom into creative forces to be reckoned with. Kudos to both of them for having the courage to enter the competition, and to be open to criticism of their hard work.

Many of us avoid being judged by all means possible. We avoid the scale because of fear of seeing what we don’t want to see, we avoid posting pictures of our artwork out of fear that someone might say something we don’t like. Nix and Athena took that plunge and from that, we can all learn a lot.

Athena Zhe - Face Off ContestantNicholas 'Nix' Herrera - Face Off Contestant

If you are experiencing a slow month on bookings, pick up the phone and fight the fear of hearing no. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Call your local library and ask to speak to the activities director, offer discounted or free face painting so that you can pass out your business cards. Contact other painters in your area and organize a jam, make new friends and network with other outlets that might be able to bring you business. Join the chamber of commerce and get involved in the community.

All of these are great ways to drive in sales and get your name out there. You might hear a few no’s before a yes comes your way, but just as Athena and Nix bite their nails each challenge, they don’t give up. They push on with their chins up and know that giving up is not an option.


Catch new episodes of Face Off on the Syfy Network, Wednesdays at 10/9c.