Eight years ago I embarked on the journey of entrepreneurship. I worked in football while I studied in college and I knew I never wanted to work for anyone after that. I love this business and I love watching us grow. But with growth, you will experience growing pains. I started off with just my mother and my aunt (and that was hard enough!) but now I manage 25 employees and it can become stressful. I try to treat all my employees as I would like to be treated and sometimes my Starbucks fix just doesn’t fix my mood. So, I look for ways to vent without totally bitching everyone out.
My newest stress relieving addiction is Pinterest. If you haven’t heard of Pinterest you are missing out on a soothing world of aesthetic goodness. Pinterest is website of pictures, where you organize pictures (that typically link to blogs) by your interests. Pinterest is my getaway, because every time I log in I find an image that inspires, motivates, and typically changes my mood.
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The website is simple, you see a picture you like, you pin it to a board so you can always reference it later. Pinetrest is full of amazing recipes, motivational quotes, fascinating pictures, and DIY ideas that bring a smile to your face. The other great part about Pinterest is you can add your own images. Are you proud of a picture you painted? Do you want to share your artwork with the world? Pinterest is the way to do it. You can add your image and it will randomly appear on someone’s picture feed. Then that person can pin your picture and the more pins your image gets, the better linked your content will be and if your picture is from your blog or website, all that traffic is pointing back to you. Pinterest is reviving blogs and helping create a natural link to your site. This is great for marketing and great when you want to escape into a visual paradise.
If you are just getting started on Pinterest look me up and follow me at heatherg28. Since I am addicted, you will get lots of updates of all the cool things I have found and pinned! Pinterest is cheaper and more fulfilling than Starbucks and its ZERO calories! I encourage each of you to find a happy place where you can escape the madness of an artists life and take a few minutes every day to creatively unwind. Pinterest is my getaway… I’d love to hear about yours.