Born with Teeth

Born with Teeth - BIZ
How many people do you know are born with teeth?

Being born with teeth is creepy and extremely rare, almost as rare as the entrepreneurs that make it big overnight. If you find yourself frustrated that your business has hit a lull or that your business isn’t growing at the speed of success, then it’s time to start counting your teeth.

When our teeth first start to grow in, it’s painful and it seems like they take forever to cut the gums. Once they are through, then you can eat and drool and enjoy the pleasures your teeth provide. Then you start losing some teeth and it’s fun because you get money for the teeth and then you also make way for bigger and better teeth. Then out of the clear blue, you visit a dentist and end up having a cavity and your teeth and wallet take a hit. Then you are back to enjoying the delicacies of life.

Business is just like that. You have to suffer a little, grow a little, loose a little, and it’s not always good, but it can be really great. When your business is bursting through the gums of your mouth (sorry for the pun) use a little whiskey to numb the pain and keep on going. Anything great is worth working hard for.

Businesses grow in stages, having realistic goals will set the stage for success. Rather than expecting the gigs to roll in and the money to rain from trees, take the time to research and do your homework about potential earnings, growth possibilities, man power, and capabilities.

For example:
If you can only do 3-6 parties a weekend because there are only so many hours in a day, and you charge $80 an hour what is the most you can net on a weekend? If you raise your rates to $100 an hour, can you work less hours and make the same thing? What happens if you get sick and have to cancel jobs, do you have a back up? Who answers your phones on the weekend? These are valid questions you will need to answer in order to estimate the direction and growth your company can accomplish.

I encourage each of you to nurture your businesses, don’t just dump them at the first sign of obstacles. Perseverance will pay the bills, not unrealistic hopes of overnight success. Make a plan, write out your goals and set target sales numbers. Take the time to measure your success, because knowing where you started and where you are going will navigate you on your road to entrepreneurial success.

Happy painting!

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