Spotlight – Rainbow Cake Winner

Rainbow Cake Dragonfly

[button type=”button_solid_light nocufon” url=”″ target=”on” ]Get the Dragonfly Rainbow Cake[/button]

A month ago we launched a contest called the Rainbow Cake Creation Contest, brought to you by the Faba Blog and Silly Farm Supplies. We want to thank everyone for their amazing entries, we finally narrowed the choices down and the winner of a custom rainbow cake and a $25 gift certificate to Silly Farm Supplies is… Kristen Zamora with her rainbow cake design, Dragonfly! Congratulations!

Keep reading for our interview with Kristen and her face painting company, KarzPaintz.

Interview with Kristen Zamora

Toucans by Kristen of KarzPaintzMotorcycle by Kristen of KarzPaintzMinions by Kristen of KarzPaintz

Tell us a little about yourself, where are you from?
My name is Kristen Zamora and I have been face painting off and on for about four years. I started face painting when I lived in Fort Lauderdale Florida for “Happy and Grumpy the Clowns”. It’s there that I learned that I enjoyed face painting, but after moving back to my home town, Paw Paw, Michigan, I learned face painting was my passion.

Are you an artist full time or do you have another job?
I never thought I would be starting my own face painting business. When I moved back to Michigan I soon had my son Alex and at that time I wasn’t even thinking of face painting. It was almost three years before I picked up a brush again professionally (not volunteering in the community) and painted another face. I started my business KarzPaintz in January 2012. We do face painting, glitter tattoos, I am a professional clown, and we are also starting a new endeavor into balloon animals. Face painting is what I want to do full-time but for the time being I work part-time at a bank with some really awesome and supportive co-workers. I couldn’t do this without the loving support of my awesome and handsome husband Raul.

What do you enjoy most from what you do?
My favorite part of face painting are definitely the kids. They are so funny! I love it , as soon as I hand them the mirror they have a grin from ear to ear. They usually thank me, but I always thank them for being my awesome little models and letting me take the time to paint them. I’ve learned how to paint with them talking because I am always asking them 1,000 questions. I like to get to know the kids because I appreciate what they do for me. They are the foundation of my business and they make me feel confident in what I can do as well. Not to mention they’re stinking hilarious!

Do you attend any conventions, like the FABAIC?
Ugh convention, I missed it this year but I need to go next year! Since they are having it in Fort Lauderdale again I can take some time to also spend with the family and friends that I have down there. It made me really sad that we couldn’t afford to go, but I can’t wait to go 2013, I won’t miss it!

Have you watched any FABAtv?
Since I missed the FABAIC, I subscribed to FABAtv, and I absolutely LOVE IT. I have learned so many things from all the amazing artists. FABAtv allows people like me to have a mentor teaching me and be “self taught” but it’s like having a mentor when I cannot have one locally. The business advice in the blogs help to guide my business, especially for someone who is honestly just “winging it” sometimes. This is an amazing resource and has proven to be invaluable to the expansion of by business. Thank you FABAtv. The most helpful part of the blog to me is the “on the job” experience examples and how to come through a difficult situation in a composed and professional manner. This is a big help to me personally because I do work out of my home at the moment.

Anything else you would like to mention?
Having the opportunity to create a rainbow cake is a memorable experience and I can’t wait to start using my creation. Thank you for allowing us to share our creativity. I can’t wait for more opportunities to participate in other contest. If there are any opportunities in Michigan let me know!

Kristen KarzPaintz DolphinEyeDesign by Kristen of KarzPaintzFlamingo by Kristen of KarzPaintz

You can check out Kirsten’s work and her company information, KarzPaintz, below.

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The KarzPaintz website,, will be up soon!
Contact KarzPaintz by Email.
Prefer to call? Contact KarzPaintz by phone: (269) 501-1451

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