Take a Walk on the Bright Side

The running joke in my family is that I am secretly Marcela’s daughter because we both have a whimsical approach on luck and happiness. My mother pulls her hair out with me because she believes I am so lax with everything.

In December we placed our largest order of our FAB paint. Used almost all our cash reserves to be able to stock our shelves and grow our brand. Upon entering the states the FDA stopped our shipment. They simply said we will deliver these boxes and you can not touch, open, remove or even breathe on them until our inspectors review the contents and approve the clearance. 8 weeks later the boxes were still sitting in our warehouse untouched and unvisited by the FDA. In a panic we pressured our FDA attorney to press the FDA for answers and to help us. That shipment was eating away at our cash flow, hurting our business and of course I had bills to pay. I found myself with a headache, stress acne, and fighting with my partner.

I went home one night and said, my anger isn’t helping move the FDA any faster and isn’t helping office morale either. My only choose at this point was to look on the bright side of things and focus on all the great that would come from the FDA clearing our paint. If we allow the FDA to do due diligence I can rest easy knowing our ingredients and procedures are in good standing and that we can feel good knowing we are selling and branding quality. I kept thinking about all the new creations I would be able to create with the kilos of paint once they arrived, and how I would be able to fill our wholesale customers orders. I found myself smiling as I thought about all the good that could come out of the FDA clearing our order. 2 days later ( 9 weeks in total) the FDA came and cleared the order. I felt like taking a bath in paint. The headache was gone and I was back to being nice to everyone.

If nothing else, your attitude determines your day. Your outlook affects the outcome of your circumstances and even if you dont want to believe it your attitude has an impact on your overall health.

If we lived in a perfect world no one would have a bad day, a break up, a low bank account or a down time in business. All these things plus more happen simultaneously in our lives, but your attitude is what determines the outcome. It is free to look on the bright side of things, it takes practice seeing the glass half full, every now and then you need to disrupt your every day patterns and try to see things a different way.

Effective leaders have many things in common, one is their resilience when chips are down and the poop hits the fan. If Steve Jobs gave up when Apple fired him the first time we would NOT have the Iphone, Ipod, or Ipad. If Donald Trump threw in the towel when several of his properties went into foreclosure he wouldn’t have that fabulous comb over he has today :-).

Have you thought about what you want lately? Have you made a list of everything standing in the way? Now make another list of ways around those road blocks. You might just be able to solve your own headaches :-) I have a motto, there are no such things as problems… there are only solutions. Im sharing my personal list with you all as an example that we all have wants, needs, and excuses. But you are bigger than the roadblock if you are willing to use your attitude and thinking to challenge and look for solutions.

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Share you list with me, even if the possibility column is wishful thinking it all starts with a positive thought!

Have a great week friends. Now that John Place is feeling better maybe he can start editing my latest PMG

<3 <3

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