As the saying goes it takes money to make money and nothing could be more true. In order to create and grow a business you need funds to invest in business cards, licenses, a website and so on. But building and bettering your business doesn’t have to put you in the poor house. The Internet is an endless abyss of information, deals, and resources.
Creating a professional image is important because it’s a reflection of your company. DIY ( do it yourself ) sites have pre set templates that let you plug and paste your logo, pictures, create a website without hiring a webmaster. The website hosting service Go Daddy has hundreds of templates that are easy and functional for even the least web savvy person.
My favorite find of the month is a website called Fiverr, where there are hundreds of people offering their services for $5. Many of the services are graphics related, so if you are looking for a new logo, pictures Photoshopped, or website help, you can hire someone for only $5!
Other great resources for creating business cards, and professional promotional materials is Vista Print. They offer free business cards and very inexpensive flyers, brochures and magnets. Remember you want to put your information in as many hands as possible, and vista print helps you do that without breaking your wallet.
So just when you get discourage about needing a new logo or needing funds to upgrade your image, just start googling and get your $5 ready. Your biggest investment should be your time you are using to research, write content, and improve your business.
Happy painting! -Silly Heather