A while ago, I was at a networking meeting of fellow entertainers. We all are in the family entertainment business, but no two people do the same thing. We have come together to support each other, share ideas, and get to know each other so we can refer each other for work.
On the first go-around the table, we were all introducing ourselves and what we did. When it got to Bob, he introduced himself as a full-time magician. Bob was one of the few people at the table I knew before I got there. I said that I thought magic was just a part time endeavour for him.
“It was” he said, “Until I was downsized about 2 weeks ago”.
Bob isn’t one to sit around. He immediately sought career counseling worried about getting another job at his age.
The career counselor asked him, “What’s your passion? What would you love to do all day even if you didn’t get paid to do it?” “Magic or Golf”, was his immediate answer.
When the counselor found out that Bob already had a successful part-time magic business, and he’s a lousy golfer, she recommend that he invest in himself.
“Go to the very next magic convention. Learn as much as you can,” she said. “….and reignite that passion for magic. People who build a career around a passion and work for themselves have a significantly higher success rate, especially during a recession.”
Bob came home, did some research and found out that career counselors everywhere are making the same recommendation. Take your passion, invest in yourself, and make that your life’s work. There are countless success stories of people who have done just that.
Bob immediately registered for an upcoming Magic Convention in June. He had wanted to go, but thought he should save his money just in case. Now he is investing in himself. Bob is the most energized person I know. He has a twinkle in his eye, and his positive energy is contagious. He is embracing this new career path and is attracting business and taking all those jobs he couldn’t before because of the full-time employment.
Bob’s story had me wondering, how many people want to come to the Face and Body Art International Convention, but are sitting on the fence waiting to see what happens?
Now is the time to invest in yourself. Â Take control of your life. Take a step towards your future. Get fired up about your business. Network with people for ideas, sharing and support.
If you can’t make it to FABAIC, sign up for local workshops or organize one of your own. Go online and look for resources, support and information for your business. Energize yourself.
Be proactive, don’t just wait and see what happens! Make stuff happen!
— Katie Hunt