Silly Farm Supplies – Throwback Thursday

Of the thousands of times I walk past Marcela’s office door, I see the same collage of pictures. Out of them all, there are four that stand out. They are taped to separate stock papers in pairs and the papers are taped together to the rest of the collage. There’s a tiny note above each paper that says, “The beginning of Silly Farm” and “Silly Farm a longggg time ago!”.

I found some spare time to sneak over and take the pictures down for a couple minutes while I carefully untaped them. After scanning each one, I taped them back up and put them back among the collage on Marcela’s office door.

The Beginning of Silly Farm

The beginnings of Silly Farm.
The beginnings of Silly Farm.

Silly Farm a longggg time ago!

Silly Farm a lonnggg time ago!
Silly Farm a lonnggg time ago!

Silly Farm Supplies Now

(Edit 11/30/12)
I was going to save some pictures of the current Silly Farm for later, but since everyone wants to see them, here they are. Just a few. :)

Silly Farm Supplies Showroom

Silly Farm Supplies Showroom

The entrance to Silly Farm
Silly Farm Supplies Entrance

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